Chap 9 (I am.../ happened?)

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Dulli Pov:

I felt so heartbroken after hearing her voice crack like that. I knew that she was not ok but also that she wouldn't tell us anything no matter what we asked her.

I sat in my room thinking about what was happening. I finally made a decision... 

I walked straight to dad's office and entered without knocking on the door.

Mr. Choi: HOW DARE- 


Dulli: Forgive me dad but I am........

Now Mr. Choi Pov:

I was sitting in m office working when suddenly someone barges into my office without knocking. Being a mafia, I was furious. I was going to scream 'who dared to enter like that' when I saw Dulli. He looked so mad, furious, sad, serious, and determined. I was still mad, though seeing it was just my son did cool me down a bit but I was still mad because everyone knows that no one is allowed to barge into my office like that. I was very surprised because Dulli is usually a very obedient and rule-following kid. I was about to yell 'Dulli what are you doing here' when he cut me off and what he said next made me shocked.

Dulli: Forgive me dad but I am.......

Going to Korea. (firm, cold, certain tone)

{I'm just gonna use dad for Mr. Choi}

Mr. Choi: Dulli? What's wrong? (calm and worried tone)

Dulli: Everything is wrong dad. She isn't happy there. It was so hard to pull her out of that dark hole but now she is falling right backing into it. Do you even know that he has been dating someone for the past two years? And he has been taking care of her sons too? 7 at that? (scoffs) She was talking to us right now. Do you know how it felt when I knew she wasn't feeling good but I still had to accept that she was saying that she is alright? (slightly teary eyes) I don't care dad but I am going to bring her back (more determined than ever.).

Mr. Choi: Dulli... I know what you are feeling right now it breaks me to think of what she would be feeling t-

Dulli: Then just bring her back! You wanted her to listen to him and she did! Did you hear her voice? She is breaking all over again. It gives a reflection of her emptiness! (slightly raising his voice, tears in his eyes) Do you really think you are helping her right now!? (yelling a bit, a few tears drop)

Mr. Choi: Enough! (yells, tears in his eyes)

{Shano and Irti came running inside as the yelling sound could be heard since the door was still open}

Irti and Shano: Dulli? Uncle? (Shocked)

Mr. Choi: (ignores them) (hugs Dulli, tears start falling out) I know you love her a lot but I know what I am doing. I sent her there to fix her not to break her. (breaks the hug) But sometimes to fix something properly, you need to break it apart first.

Dulli: (sits/ falls on the couch holding his head)B-But, S-sh-he. H-he-her vo-i-ic-e... (cries) (stuttering so much that it's hard for him to speak)

Mr. Choi: (hugs Dulli again) (crying himself but comforting him) Dulli. I know you have trouble coping with people you know hurting. I know you're past effects this. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I'm sorry...

Dulli: (unable to talk) (remembering something) M-mo-m di-did th-e s-am-me wi-t-h h-he-r.

Mr. Choi: (Hugs him tighter) (rocks him a bit) I-i k-now It-its o-k.

Shano: (surprised; panicked) Dad is it happening again?

Mr. Choi: (Looks at her with panicked teary eyes and nods)

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