14: Friends and Bodyguards

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"What about the horse stables? The boys might enjoy a trail ride, and the weather isn't too hot today," Mrs. Zakar suggested.

"That is dangerous in Dylan's condition, and I don't want him out in the sun. Perhaps the boys would enjoy going shopping with you, mother?" Tareq shot back.

"Oh shops! They must have crazy malls here! I've seen this on InstaTok!" Wes lit up.

"I do not go to malls," Mrs. Zakar looked as if she'd been accused of murder.

"Of course." Wes pulled back.

"A nice relaxing stroll at the mall might do Dylan good. There is a lunch place in Galerie Carrousel that has a very nutritious menu, and Dylan will need clothes that cover his condition once he starts to show, unless you plan to keep him at home." Reyk looked intent on showing his worth.

"That is an excellent idea." Mr. Zakar nodded. 

"I have two meetings with charities today, but I can have the driver take you after he drops me off." Mrs. Zakar smiled and eased her way out of spending the day with us.

"Very well. That area is safe and I'll send Higor with you for security, if my father can spare him for the day." Tareq said.

"Of course! It should be fun to see how Higor reacts to a day at the mall! Use the credit card we gave you for expenses. Anything the boys want. Show them a good day and I'll let my accountant know it is approved." Mr. Zakar smiled at us.

"I have it, sir. Thank you," Reyk assured.

Tareq checked my phone to make sure the tracking apps worked even though he'd confirmed them all the night before. He wanted me to stay home and rest, but he knew I needed some time with Wes so he didn't argue. He made me promise to answer any contact from him and stay close to Higor.

We loaded into the limo with Mrs. Zakar and Higor, a hulking, older Brazilian guy who looked like he hadn't smiled in a decade.

We dropped Mrs. Zakar at the Royal Palm center then the driver took us to Galerie Carrousel, a shining glass mall with an adventure park in the center of it. It was not too crowded, but definitely a big draw for residents and tourists. It was definitely better than any mall I'd been to in Arizona or California. 

Higor wordlessly followed us through the main entrance looking like a high level assassin. He wasn't displaying a gun or anything, but he just generally looked like someone you shouldn't mess with. He kept an eye in all directions, but mostly stayed behind me. I guessed that if it came down to it, he would see Wes and Reyk as expendable.

"We should get you some clothes for when your stomach will begin to show. Dr. Rammat's office will send you a catalog, but that stuff is so pedestrian. I'll take you to JuneClaw. Luckily, baggy tops are fashionable this fall and they keep sizes for our younger clients at the clinic." Reyk led us towards an escalator next to a giant dinosaur that roared and snapped at people riding up the escalator.

"Is it really true? You're going to give birth and all? Everyone here seems to be going along with this." Wes looked at me with furrowed brows.

"It is. I didn't believe it either, but I feel it. Tareq's parents think I'm trans. It was easier than explaining everything, but I don't want to lie to you. I need my friend. I can't do this alone." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why would you do this to yourself at all? You never talked about having kids. You just came here and immediately decided you needed a baby? It doesn't make sense. Did he pressure you into it?" Wes was whispering as if we weren't in the middle of a mall and amusement park buzzing with noise.

"It just happened. Ok. I don't know what I was thinking, but it's here now and I can't get rid of him. I feel him in there. It's like having a little friend in my stomach who demands things. I'm starting to love him." I rubbed my stomach and felt a little jolt of happiness.

"So weird, but I'll be here if you need me. Ok... so I'm going to be Uncle Wes? Can I buy some shoes to celebrate?" Wes joked.

"We have the black card. You can buy whatever you want! Within reason, of course." Reyk had been listening.

JuneClaw turned out to be a men's store that looked more like a club filled with fashion for young guys. There were a few Arab boys looking through the racks, but Reyk took us right to the register and asked for someone or something named neon-friend.

The cashier nodded and used his earpiece to talk to someone about neon-friend. A few seconds later, a man came out and whisked us to the back into a private room with mirrors and pop art.

A guy came in and greeted us then took a look at me and Wes. He disappeared for a few minutes while Higor checked things on his phone and Reyk paged through their catalog.

Wes and I sat on the couch and waited. Soon, a full rack of clothes came in with the man who'd greeted us. He spoke no English, but Reyk used his Arabic to tell him what we needed.

He gave me a few shirts and sweatshirts that would work for when I started showing. He added some stretchy pants that made my butt look really good. Lastly, he showed me a selection of sexy bedtime wear that Reyk insisted I get.

For Wes, he got the regular fashions and ended up picking three outfits that would work for the nicer places we'd be going with the Zakars. He looked so happy and took pics for his InstaTok.

Reyk got the shoes he wanted, but Higor declined our offer to make him over. He had no humor. The sales guy packed up all of our things to send with a courier to the Zakar home.

We walked through the mall when Wes decided he wanted to ride the roller coaster. I knew Tareq would not approve so I stayed with Higor while he rode it with Reyk. 

By the time he came back to where we were waiting, he'd met two Arab teens who were interested in him. Wes moves fast. They wanted to come to lunch with us, but Higor stepped in and put a stop to that. Instead, Wes exchanged social media with them before telling them goodbye.

We ate a healthy lunch of protein with a crazy good salad at the place Reyk had talked about. I sent Tareq pictures and he said he'd get them to deliver whenever I wanted. Wes enjoyed the salad, but wanted some chicken nuggets afterwards so we walked to the food court. Higor only agreed to get a burger after I promised to stay beside him in the line to wait. It seemed like he wasn't allowed to eat while on duty. I felt bad for him.

After the mall we went back home. Wes and Reyk were going to head for the beach, but Reyk said it was my naptime and he sent me back to Tareq's back house with Higor who let me in. I saw the workers had hung up the new clothes from JuneClaw in our closet. They worked fast. I got ready to take a nap while waiting for Tareq to come back. 

Higor stayed with me, sitting quietly on the couch until he could hand me off to Tareq. I was starting to get attached to him. He never said a word and lurked behind me like a silent, killer puppy. He didn't make a sound while I snuggled under the covers. He did thumb through one of the pregnancy books on the coffee table. 

I wondered what he thought of being assigned to me for the day. He looked like he'd normally be off in an action film trying to infiltrate a high level mafia organization.  

I laid my head on the pillow and watched him move in the mostly dark room. He checked his phone, looked out the window, and then just sat quietly at the table. 

Tareq came in talking loudly on the phone which woke me up. I crawled out from under the covers to see Higor get to his feet, nod at Tareq, give me a quick wave, and then head off into the moonlight. I was going to miss him.

"I need sex time. I miss my boy with long day of work." Tareq set his phone on the charger and started to take off his shirt.

"Me too, chief." I raised my arms and waved him towards the bed. 

Breeding Dylanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن