Role Model of The Year

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Aw yes, best role. Sergio, my king chool. He's so geeky, yet so funny, and admirable. This week has been sort of out of place and messy, but everyday when I was walking to Spanish class I would I always see my king chool and he would tell me really funny things and serious things that are going on. He told me he got a parking ticket, but coming from him is so funny because he so would do something like that hahaha. He makes me feel alive and keeps me going. Honestly, sometimes he motivates me by rushing me and pushing me to do things over my limit. He doesn't let me bullshit things or take opportunities for granted. He's a senior next year, so I don't know what I'm going to do when he leaves for the real world. I know he's so ready for it though! I hope he waits for me haha. I guess he's my role model because of how kind, open, intelligent, admirable, and straight forward he can be with me. He's my chinky friend haha. His sense of humor is amazing. And he's so down for anything and is so weird sometimes. I love his personality, but maybe I kind of want to be like him. Just not grow up to have the same job... because architecture is too much for me. I hope he goes far in life and is successful!!!!!! Such a cutie. I love Sergio so much. He says I'm cool and his queen chool. Whenever we chill during lunch, we could talk about ANYTHING at all, and he wouldn't care who hears at all. We could talk about the weirdest thing or the other nights conversation *smirk, smirk* and he would be like "fuck it, let's have a laugh Lesly because seeing you like that is great!" AH THROWBACK TO SPANISH CLASS LAST SCHOOL YEAR WITH HIM WHEN OUR SPANISH TEACHER SAID WE SHOULD GET MARRIED! But alas, Sergio is 18 this year! The little nugget is so old yet so wise and weird but amazingly awesome! Which leads me to saying, him being my role model is the best thing ever haha.

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