Going Along In the Months~

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Disclaimer: Decent amount of Smut.


There are two things that'll disrupt the peace of Baby floating in her warm dark abyss, that is the loud commotion of her parents either arguing or them having sex.

This time it was the arguing that got to her, eliciting a response.

"I said I'll get to it!! I still have time!"

"Stop being so fvcking lazy J!! Get to it NOW!!!"

Baby listens in on her often distracted and somewhat irresponsible mother's childish whining after being scolded by her father.

"I got months to go! No rush! I can even pick and choose what I-."

"What do you do all day while I work?! WHAT J?! LET'S SEE!!! ...video games, phone, YouTube, TV.. STOP FVCKING AROUND! YOU'RE TOO FVCKING LAZY!! At least get the baby's room ready!"

Were they arguing over her lackadaisical mother's delay in getting her nursery ready?

They usually act like there's not a third person in the room. Maybe she should let them know she's there and can hear them, Loud and Clear.


"What J? ...what's with that face?"

"I feel weird..."

"Don't play games!"

"No, I'm serious. I'm not playing around... I think it just kicked."

"Let me see..." he shakes his head in annoyance over his young girlfriend thinking she's playing another game and gets up from his desk to come over to her, putting a large warm hand on her belly.

Well, maybe this will have the desired effect - shutting them up for now, so we can all just get back to peace and quiet.

"You know what?! I think you're right...!" He looks into her large soft brown eyes, amazed.

"Told you~!" She was about to respond 'I told you so' with annoyance in her voice but was cut off with a kiss.

He then breaks the kiss, adding, "You're so Amazing! This is all so amazing..."

"Well, it's hard to believe that I have this living..thing inside of me!"

"It's not a "thing" J."

"Well! You know what I mean! A part of me thinks this is still so unreal. Maybe that's why I put off getting ready... and too be honest, it's a little scary thinking about childbirth."

"All the more reasons to not procrastinate right?! You only have a few months left J. Did you look at the catalogs I left you?"

"Well, I...I'll look over them tomorrow!" ^^;

-_-; He pulls her close, looking into her soft dark brown eyes. "Look! For centuries women have been given birth and will continue to do so. There's nothing to be afraid of J!"

"I see... Promise you'll be there with me!"

"I will~. I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

He pulls her into another kiss, this time lingering longer on her soft lips.

Peace and quiet in the warm fluid dark abyss seems to have been successfully acquired, but not for long, because as soon as Baby turned to find a more comfortable position to float around in, her parents went right back at each other, this time in the form of sexual activity.

"Mmm~ Mr. Truump~!"

"You like that, don't you! ...how about this?!"

"Oh right there~! Yeah~! Ohh you feel so good!"

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