The Reunion

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Disclaimer: smut!

J stirs in her bed, coming to her senses as strong morning sunlight begins to fall on her face. She expects the somewhat softness of the Japanese futon that lies on the floor, but instead feels a much softer bed that she snuggles into...and someone holding her (somehow now) naked body in one arm as they sleep. She turns and faces him.


The previous day's events come back to her mind as she studies that familiar peacefully sleeping face of President Donald Trump. She knows he wasted no time getting her, quick on her heels, arriving no later than the morning after she got here.

He probably got that letter the day I left... He must be exhausted! Typical...

She snuggles into him, her heartbeat increasing in happiness over his typical scolding and the conversation they had yesterday - he wants to continue. He wasted no time grabbing her and all her luggage, bringing them to this lavish otherworldly European styled hotel that nations' leaders, heads of states, stay at. And after making sure they were both properly fed at one of the best, most exclusive high ranking, Japanese styled restaurants in that country, he wasted no time bringing her back to the massive European styled apartment to reacquaint himself with her body, his soulmate's body that he's been deprived of touching for the past couple of weeks.

Despite not being able to see her, let alone touch her, for weeks, he patiently took his time with his hands and with his kisses, relishing each touch, spending a little extra time on her slightly but now notably larger midsection.

"When are you due?" His voice stern, authoritative.


"Okay~" he notes that's not far from now, only a short few months later. "You can have Barron's baby room."

", thanks!" She realized she'll be returning with him, no if ands or buts.

"Uh..." her breathing hitches as he makes his way down her body, kissing. "Um...I quit my job. You know, to come he-."

"You don't have to work, J," he interjects, cutting her off, sternly. "Especially now. I already have it taken care of."

"Ok..thanks.." she blushes, her awkwardness increasing, not only because of his proposition to take care of her as a stay at home mom, but because his eyes rests in between her legs. Talk about awkward...she's never one to want to be analyzed in such a way.

Despite decades of experience, especially with the most beautiful models to have ever walked the earth, he has never went down on someone. It's not what he does, as a known germaphobe. But this girl is different, very special - she's his soulmate and he will probably spend the rest of his life with her if he can... Maybe give it a try, just this once...

"Uh...what are you doing??"

He smirks, "you'll see..." before proceeding.

"Well, this is interesting...!"

J actually is not fond of anyone going down on her due to her ex ruining the experience for her, and her being a germaphobe herself, but despite the lack of experience in this department with her current lover, she gives way, surprisingly enjoying the rather ticklish feeling.


"Like this, do you?!" He grins.

"Yeah...I guess.." she blushes, embarrassed. This feels so so awkward... even so she likes it, due to this being her current partner, her soulmate who she feels safe and protected with, not her toxic ex that put fear in her belly.

"Good!" He gets up abruptly. That's enough of that! It's really not his thing, but at least he can say, he gave it a try! He prefers to do something else actually... "Come here!"

"?" She looks at him quizzically that is until he rejoins her, getting back on top of her, their soft mouths joining for a kiss, as he enters her.

"Mn!" She squeezes her eyes shut, focusing on getting used to the feeling of being stretched and filled past her limit.

"Sweetheart?" He inquires, concern in his voice, noting her face wincing in pain.

"I'm ok..!" She answers breathlessly. Yes, it kind of hurts actually, but it has been six weeks since she's been joined intimately with him, allowing him into her body. And to be fair, at 6'3 he's larger than most men... not that she really knows that since she was technically physically a virgin before he first took her. She didn't go ALL the way with that lousy ex or others after all. "I'm ok!"

"Good!" His voice husky with lust. "Just let me know if you need a break, ok?"


He continues loving on her, slowly...not only because it's been a while since they've been together but also because of her situation. He will be sure to take it slow from there on out, not wanting to hurt her or their yet to be born kid.


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