Shes Back~!

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Trump's triumphant return from retrieving his soulmate back to NY was with fanfare to say the least.

"She's Back~!"

The CNN proclamation at the tarmac can be heard on the airwaves around the world, allowing other News channels to tag team them, spreading the message even further.

As the plane door opens, J could see the Press waiting for them like the hungry savages they are.  She self consciously uses a hand to close her sweater, not only because of the early fall temp, but also because of their eyes.

"Don't worry about them sweetie.." He squeezes her other hand, sensing her hesitation and anxiety. "Just follow me."

Their walk from the plane steps to the limo was met with a onslaught of interrogation questions aimed at the silent pair.

"Ms. J! You weren't seen for at least seven weeks! Where were you?!"

"Miss, did you broke up with President Trump?! Did he break up with you?"

"Can you explain your almost two month disappearance?!

"What are your plans going forward in this relationship?!"

"Can you please explain your recent weight gain?"

"Ma'am, Is that a baby bump??!"

Mr. Trump just waved at them, or rather waved them off, as he helps his girl into the limo.

"Sir! Is your girlfriend-?"

The doors to the limo shut, closing out the rest of the questions being hurled at them

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The doors to the limo shut, closing out the rest of the questions being hurled at them.

Which lead to a few conspiracies, as she is soon to find out, some fake, some real, and some just outlandishly imaginary, brought on by the news.

J is also soon to discover that CNN or MSNBC in particular are no longer allowed to be played at the house for the time being due to her two recent emotional fits over the negative news coverage, as per Trump's orders.

But J is known to bend the rules a little bit, right? So we find her the next morning, out of sheer curiosity, first turning on MSNBC while making the bed

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But J is known to bend the rules a little bit, right? So we find her the next morning, out of sheer curiosity, first turning on MSNBC while making the bed.

Trump's Little Girlfriend~ The Sequel Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя