"We made a dinner reservation at Ave Mario. So you need to get ready and get presentable. We need to be there in 45 minutes. So go take a shower. I already got a dress for you. It's on your bed." My eyes scanned the faces of my brothers. They looked uncomfortable but didn't dare to talk. 

"That's nice.", I said quietly. "But I'm so tired. I really need some sleep, you know..."

"No!", my mother said. "No, we need to go out. We want to celebrate your recent success. So, please, go get ready." I took a deep breath in but nodded. I was too tired to fight and argue with my mother right now. Besides, it maybe gave me a chance to talk to my mother about this entire Lucas situation.

So I went to take a shower and got ready by putting on the dress my mother got me and doing my make up. When I was done, my eyes laid on the black screen of my phone that was sitting on my makeup table in my room. I had time to think and I had decided while getting ready that I needed to talk to Lucas right now. The urge in me to confront him about the recent pictures had just been too much. I picked up the phone and clicked on his contact. Then the phone went up to my ear.

"Hello? Tia?", he picked up after the fifth or sixth beep. His voice seemed calm and collected. The complete opposite about how mine would sound like, I knew that. 

"Hi, Lucas.", I said back.

"What's up, babe?", he asked then and made me close my eyes. I already felt the tears coming up and I needed to swallow.

"I just need to ask you something.", I told him in a serious and emotionless tone. 

"Okay.", he more asked than agreed. "What's going on?" Confusion was clearly coming out of his voice, which made me even angrier. He didn't even know what I felt like right now!

"I just saw these pictures with you and Hailey, and I know you guys have history. So I just need to know if something is going on with you two." Silence settled in between us for some moments and somehow I expected him to start laughing. At least that's what I hoped for, I think. But he didn't. He stayed just as calm and collected as before and I didn't know if that should freak me out even more. 

"No, nothing is going on between Hailey and me.", he explained. "She is an old friend and a co-worker as well. We were just grabbing coffee and catching up there because we were in the same city for appointments by chance. That's all."

Tears were falling down my cheeks now. I knew he was lying. Friends and co-workers do not seem so comfortable and cosy around each other. That's just not the way it was. I knew it with my co-workers and male friends. And I saw a post earlier where a picture of me and Lucas was compared to the most recent ones with Hailey and I had to admit to myself that he seemed way happier in the photo with Hailey than with me. Even if nothing was going on between the two of them, which I don't think, he was happier with other people. Maybe because he was forced to be together with me?

"Look, Lucas.", I started. "It's totally fine if you're not in love with me. It's all fine if you want to break up. You can tell me. I told you a hundred times, I just want us to be honest with each other."

"Tia, where the hell is this coming from, huh?", Lucas asked me then and I needed to swallow again. Somehow my neck felt like it was corded up. 

"I don't know. There is just a lot going on right now and I'm confused all the time. And then you just left Montreal without telling me and then I saw the pictures." I felt like I was rumbling and not making sense but I thought he got my point. 

"No, Tia. Listen. I love you. Alright? There is nothing that could change that. I don't want to break up.", he said and made my tears fall even more. I just hoped he was being honest with me right now because I was about to find out the whole truth at the dinner with my family.

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now