"Well how do I know?" he said looking down at her before looking up at me with raised eyebrows. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him as I awkwardly sat myself up on the couch, his body instantly lifting from the chair as he easily cradled Tabi in his arm while also reaching out a free hand to help me sit up on the couch.

"Typically the smell is enough Austin" I laughed holding my hands out for her, my head nodding as soon as she was within arms reach of me. I couldn't help but laugh knowing that it was going to be one hell of a dirty diaper for him to change. "She most definitely pooped" I laughed leaning over towards the side of the couch as I pulled out the wipes and the tiny baby diaper along with the changing mat to put on the floor.

"Here, lay this down on the floor" I said, handing him the pink changing mat. I couldn't believe that she was three weeks old and this was the very first time that he was changing her dirty diaper. I knew it was common sense but everything about his facial expression seemed so terrified that I thought I would be nice and talk him through it step by step, although the thought of watching him squirm while he attempted to do it made me laugh loudly in my head.

"Alright" he said sitting back on his knees, his hands placed on his thighs as he looked at me patiently waiting for me to give him the next instruction. I handed him the diaper and the wipes with a smile, his hands grabbing them from mine without even looking at them, his eyes still fixed on me as I started laughing.

"Open up the diaper, and make sure you have wipes ready to go" I said watching as he did just as I told him before he gave me a quick head nod letting me know he was ready for what was next. "Okay, now just like when you change a wet diaper, lay her down and talk to her but this time you are going to want to make sure her onesie is up so that it doesn't fall into the poop" I said, his head turning to look at me with surprise as I started laughing.

"How bad is this gonna be?" he asked, his delicate fingers gently unbuttoning the snaps on her onesie, his attention focused back on her as he started softly talking to her. "This is Daddy's first dirty diaper princess and by the sounds of it Momma is making it sound like it's gonna be a doozy" he said to her, his fingertip coming up to gently tap her nose as she started to coo softly.

"I should get this on tape, I'm sure she would love to see her Father change his first dirty diaper" I laughed, my tongue coming between my teeth.

"Careful Char or I just may miss the garbage and have a poopy diaper fall from my hand in your lap" he said, his eyes squinted at me as my mouth fell open in shock.

"You wouldn't dare" I said, his shoulders shrugging quick as he gave me a pensive stare.

"Keep going and we'll see" his face breaking into a wide smile making my heart flutter just a bit, my gaze getting lost with his as his smile quickly started to dissipate into nothing more than a small smirk the emotion growing exponentially between us before I shook my head to bring myself back to what was happening.

"Okay uhm" I said, a small laugh leaving his lips at my hesitation, my body becoming nervous as I quickly shoved some hair behind my ear as I brought myself back to what needed to be done. "Now open up the diaper and hold her feet together at her ankles, pull the dirty diaper out and have a wipe ready to clean her up and then put the new diaper underneath her" he looked at me confused causing me to shake my head in laughter as I slid myself from the couch and got down next to him. "Like this" I smiled, grabbing his hand in mine, putting it around her ankles. He looked over at me, his eyes dancing with mine.

I quickly entered into the seductive dance, my eyes dancing with his for several seconds before he took my breath away, his lips pressing hard against mine as I brought my free hand up to cup the side of his face, our lips parting instantly allowing our tongues to dance freely between our mouths before we pulled apart from each other slowly.

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