Meaning of the Mask

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Dream POV

"Please! Please I- I don't know anything else! I swear!"
The man dangling from my hands sobbed out. I rolled my eyes.
I yanked him out to air and onto the scaffolding of the building.

"You see that little light?"
I whisper while pointing to the buildings to my right.
"Third street in the fourth slightly red brick building. On the second floor. Number 2E."
I leant down to the tiny man.

"A pretty little girl with red curls and the sweetest smile lives there."
Mason shivered.

"Ever heard of the Queen of Chaos?"
I smile. His head nodded quickly.
"Your pretty little thing is currently..."
I yanked his head back and brought a dagger to his throat. He yelped and his eyes widened in fear.
"...under her fingers. If you don't start talking ..."

I dragged the dagger lightly along his exposed skin.
"Th-The keys are held by the general of security! He keeps them with him all the time! He... his chambers are diagonal to those of the Queen's!"
The short man sputtered.

I smiled behind my mask.
"Ahhh see? Not so bad? All that respect and loyalty lost... at least your play thing will live."
I said as I slowly let the man go and stepped back. He let his breath out. I turned to leave when he rasped out a sentence.

"Respect... and loyalty are attributes... a you will never understand..."
I whipped around and tilted my head to the side.

"Well Mason... if respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back..."
I grabbed him and slashed his throat. It spilled over the railing.
"...respect is nothing right?"
I pushed his body over the scaffolding with one hand and adjusted my mask.

I tossed George a map and the keys I stole from Mason.
"I might be sick."
The man with glasses whispered as he looked to where the corpse lay on the ground.

"Then do it quietly."
I growled. I clicked my fingers and Callahan and Punz appeared.

"George will lead. Get in and out. Punz time, you have three minutes to get in and out. Take as many as you can."
They nodded and rushed down the alley to the castle of the South Esatern region.

The constant smell of fish and damp streets tickled my nose. I pulled my coat up and walked down the street. I heard a faint thud beside me and sure enough there was Y/N. Her wings tucked under a black coat.

A glint of purple caught my eye, her netherite feathers had been installed last week. I remember her screaming and the tears that flowed out her E/C eyes due to the installation.
"Good evening my lady. I assume the girl is safe?"

She smiled putting her hands in her pockets and bringing out the golden hairpin the red haired girl had adored.
"She'll look like she simply passed in her sleep."

"Good. Now shall we return home? I do believe a good midnight snack is order."
I extended my gloved hand to her and she gladly took it.

"Why did I have to kill her?"
Y/N asked with a mouth filled with food.
"Simple. Mason was involved with her but, without him knowing, she also had a rather personal relationship to the general."

Y/N gasped dramatically and it made me nearly choke.
"How scandalous!"
She said in her worst formal voice.

I laughed and nodded.
"Indeed. She was expecting Mason this evening which means that she would report his absence far too soon and not give the squad enough time to collect the wither heads from the treasury."
I popped a grape in my mouth.

"So what's the plan after?"
She said looking down at her food. I tilted my head.
"After what?"
"After we burn it to the ground."

She flicked a pea across her plate.
I had informed her of the plan when the Southern Eastern king, Purpled, had shipped in wither skulls. Exactly what I needed to start.

"How about..."
I tapped my fingers on the table. The truth was I had a future but... would she even want it?
She grabbed my tapping hand.
"Tell me."

She flashed that smile that tore at me.
"A house. On the coast far away. Two storey tall. Quartz walls on the outside but spruce roof and inner walls."
"Like a cottage?"

"Like a cottage. It will be protected by mountains and the nearest village will never know our past."
She frowned slightly.
"How are you ,the king of the Dream SMP, going to leave?"

"I... I'd put George in charge. He is more than capable and has far more patience than I-"
"You would give up your kingdom... your right to rule?! There's so much here! The castle, the people, the-"

I squeezed her little hand in mine.
"Yes but it's not what I want."
She pulled it away and stood. She started pacing back and forth.
Here we go.
"You don't know what you want Dream. You're used to all of this. You're a great leader! Throwing that away all for! Some fantasy?"

"I was forced into these conditions Y/N! I never wanted to be king! I never wanted to rule a nation at the age of fifteen! I never wanted to hurt people! But I did anyway."
My shoulders were shaking. My voice and anger rising.

That entity that I fought with every day stirred within me, wanting to be set free, seeking blood.
"I did it anyway! I let my father die! I let my blasted mother leave me all alone to rule! I let my sister grow up without me!That's how I was taught."

I leaned against the fireplace. Y/N stepped closer.
"You want to know why I wear the mask?"
I hissed out.
She nodded slowly, unsure.
"The first time I killed a man I was sixteen. I had been only ruling for a year and so all the neighbouring countries wanted to try their luck.

The southern part of the SMP used to be part of a different nation: Irisyes. They were the first to show signs of war. Raiding our bordering villages and setting fire to watchtowers and guard posts. So I went down there myself with a battalion. Met their leader, a big man with a thick fur coat."

Y/N bit her lip.
"What did you do to him?"
She asked softly.
I turned my mask to the fire.
"I carved a huge smile into his back and watched as he bled out in front of his nation. 'Keep smiling. Don't let them see you crying.' Is what my father drilled into me. So I drilled that smile into that scum's back."

A flash of the blood and the screams filled my mind before vanishing again. Y/N spoke up.
"So the mask...the smile... it's a symbol. So that..."
"So that fear is associated with it. My father scolded me, told me that everyone should play into my hands...that my emotions should be unreadable."
I finished for her.

She climbed up onto the windowsill and opened them. The breeze whistled in. She gazed out to the city and all the people. The clouds gathered and trickled tears, thunder in the back.
"You would give it up. For a little cottage on the coast with boring old me?"
She mumbled into her arms crossed on her knees.
I chuckled. How oblivious could she be?
I put a hand on her shoulder and one on her waist.
"Of course I would. In a hundred different lifetimes I would."

I muttered pushing my mask aside and placing a peck on her hair.
"It's been three years since we met..."
She said leaning back onto me.
"Yes... it has hasn't it? Doesn't feel like it."
"Not at all. Do you mean it? Would you give it all up?"
"For this?"
I trailed my bare hand to hers and felt that prickling, insatiable desire to never let go.
"Of course."

Some angst and violence with a hint of love and affection. One of my favourite chapters I've done personally. Love to all my birdies! From Dream:💚 I will see you...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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