Never Trust The Man Under The Mask

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Y/N woke up with a start. Yesterday's events still lingered in your mind and your soul. Dream, that charming tyrant, had had the nerve to call you Baby bird. He had strolled up to you as if you were no more threat than a bunny! After indirectly introducing himself Y/N had froze up. He took that fault in your mental armor and smoothly strolled right up to you. You had seen his mask. The circular mask makes curves around its edges, not allowing anyone to see the face behind. You had seen every tiny scratch and scrape on it. Saw how the grin on the mask was etched in with precision.

He had the Audacity to lift your chin with his fingers that night. You had slapped his arm away with a force which had made him stumble back. You flared with rage just thinking about that. You could still feel his touch, like an imaginary scar. You jumped out your bed and stormed out the van. You leaped into the sky ,spread your wings and defied even the laws of gravity. You took off with violence ,which caused an upheaval of the earth below you. Your F/C1 and F/C2 wings skyrocketed you with ease. They had grown just as you had through your years on the land. They were over 10 feet long from one tip to the other. They made the 5'7 girl seem much more powerful. You ceased ascending after you could taste the clouds on your tongue.

Below you, you saw the massive walls of L'manberg as mear lines on a map , almost drawn by a toddler as they stuck out from the surrounding nature. You started to stare into space, trying and failing to organize your thoughts.

'How dare he make you feel stupid.' 'How stupid were you to have froze up when your life could have been in danger?' 'How in all earths mountains and valleys, did his touch affect you so much?'

As you fought your thoughts you swerved and dived, lifted and somersaulted in the air, practicing all the moves your father had taught you. As you fought turbulence ,3 dots came into your view moving through the forest around your home. They moved fast and in a group. Worried and curious you pulled in your wings and spiraled down. You landed with your feet spread wide apart and fist smashed into the ground from the severe impact. A billow of dust surrounded you from your wings force. You ran to find Wilbur , your heart racing at what you had seen.

You shouted across your nation hoping to find him. His head peaked out if a nearby tent. Tubbo , Tommy and Fundy all popped their heads out of the tent as well. They all looked at Y/N startled and came jogging towards you.

"Feathers ,what is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Wilbur asked, displaying his humor and worry in his tone. Y/N went pale as you relayed to them what you had seen. Tubbo and Fundy sat you down while Tommy rushed off to find Eret and tell him the news. Wilbur sighed and with a booming voice told everyone to man their stations and be at the ready.

"What you saw sounds like the Dream Team is on its way to us. Whether to converse with us or kill us ,we'll have to wait and see."
Wilbur sighed out to his little sister. You nodded in acknowledgement however was subconsciously touching your chin, lost in thought.

"Y/N! Come now we have to get geared and ready. It's time for Dream to meet you and your feathers Birdbrain."
Wilbur said which snapped Y/N back to the present. You grinned and slapped your brother's shoulder.

"He won't stand a chance against AshMaker."

You then sprinted into the van gathering your sword and shield however, left your armor untouched. Dumb L'manberg customs. You leapt up to the top of the entrance walls surface an sat down low ,awaiting for when Wilbur would announce you. The collar of L'manberg unfirom scratched your neck and you cursed at it softly. You could not wait till you could put your F/C cropped hoodie and leather pants back on. You returned your focus as the men you had spotted earlier came into view. You hid low and observed them.

One off to the left had black wavy hair which underneath hid a white bandanna. He wore a white tee with a flame in the middle. He was covered in armor that glinted the same lilac your sword did. You scowled. Magic. Always magic. The one on the right was far more different in looks than his flame boi friend. This man had chestnut hair and a paler skin tone. He wore a casual blue branded shirt and clout glasses. Dope, you'd like to have those as war trophy any day. The last man was centered in between the other two. Now this man you recognized ; the little green man now adorned purple armor making him look even more powerful.

You glanced back into L'manberg's gates and saw all your friends gathering up to greet their new visitors. Feathers crossed this doesn't come to bloodshed. While I'd love to snap that smiley mask in half and slice Dream's eyes out, L'manberg is definitely not equipped to fight those netherite demons.
Dream and his ensemble approached L'manberg's entrance and Wilbur nervously greeted them.

he said to clout glasses man ,
he turned to the bandana boy and finally faced the Man in the Mask.
"Dream. To what do we owe this visit?"

"I am here to make an offer. My final offer. I will not ask again Wilbur. Surrender L'manberg and I will have mercy on it's occupants. If not, your nation will never see peace again."
Dream spoke smoothly and firmly. Speech and words of a leader. Y/N scowled and whimpered at what he implied.

Wilbur coughed and spoke on behalf of L'manberg,
"Independence or death. If we get revolution we want nothing. We would rather die than give into you and join your SMP."

Y/N smiled ,proud of your brother's response. You knew that you would fight till the last cell in your body died for your nation.

"Oh Wilbur ,Wilbur, Wilbur. You would risk Tommy for a piece of land?
You would risk your very own Babybird?"
Dream laughed manically as he dropped Y/N's nickname from his mouth. Wilbur froze and Tommy started cursing and thrashing trying to beat Dream with his bare fists.

You lurched down and stood in front of your older brother, your wings fully stretched out ,causing a dust storm to which everyone flinched away from. Everyone that is but Dream. Both of them had a stare down , you killing him in indescribable ways in your mind while Dream explored your stature with curiosity and amusement.

"The name's Y/N. And yes Wilbur is willing to risk Tommy and I for this nation. For without it people would have to succumb to a little green boy whose too scared to even show his face."you said to the Masked Man ,defiance and confidence dripping from your words.

"Ah. Beautiful name. Well I'm disappointed at your decision but not surprised. May you have an explosive evening Y/N."
Dream stated as he slowly turned as if to leave. Then as quick as lightning he placed a single TNT and set it off. But he had merely sparked the flame. You heard the thunder of explosions just behind you until you were blasted out the gates of your home.

Tommy.Wilbur.My L'manberg! Your vision phased and turned black.

Sorry about timelines if they are wrong but this is off the top of my head. Anyway thank you so much for the support and a great thanks to my lil sister for editing this for me (Michelle ily).

I'll see you... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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