News of the Election

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You looked up from your book to the 8 foot monster of a mage. His head looked up from his book.
"Why do you get to be a mage? And why are you so tall? It's... not..."
"Natural? I know.",
he laughed and closed his book and hopped onto the long table,
"Not many people see it but I am in fact a hybrid, like you."
To this your face lit up.
"Really? No way!"
He laughed at your excitement.
"Yeah I am. I am part Wither, it's why I wear gloves all the time and why I am so tall."
You looked down and sure enough the man was wearing black leather gloves.
"That's so cool!"
"Why do wear the gloves?"
"Can any hybrid become a mage?"
"Is your skeleton black?"
"Hybrids all can control magic and stuff?"
He could see you were very curious and he laughed and shook his hands,
"Woah woah, lots of questions. Okay let me try.
Um no not all hybrids. Some people are born with magic, hybrid or not, and can learn to use that magic.
Hybrids are already people given some form of other magic that allows them to be part of another species. So it's more likely for hybrids to have magic than for normal people."
To this you twinkled with happiness.
"Could I use magic?"
You asked and BadboyHalo shrugged.
"I think you already use the magic you have. Most magic is subtler than mine. For instance your agility, your speed, your strength and your keen eyes are all magnifiers of your power. I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't think you'll be able to conjure too much."
You frowned.
"As for your other questions?
Ummm my skeleton is in fact black and because of Wither skeletons being so much taller than regular people, my body grew to 8 feet with it. As for the ... gloves?"
He lifted up his hands.
"It's... a blessing? A curse more like.
I... I can't touch anything or anyone. Other wise they start to decay."
Then you looked up again to Bad.
"Oh Bad. I'm so sorry."
"Yeah it's not the greatest... I've never even been able to touch Skeppy without these. It's a life I've just have to live."
He sighed and you felt really bad for him.
"But overall most people just wonder why I'm extremely tall. It makes my hybrid part a good secret.

"Hey Bad? Why are there so few hybrids in the SMP? I have not encountered anyone else but you."
Bad sighed again. He stood up and started going up to the upper floor of the library. You put your book down and slowly followed him.
"A long time ago, before Dream's family every ruled, it was that long ago, the king in charge was a hybrid himself."
He slowly started looking at the spines of books.
"Yet he was greedy and jealous."
He pulled out an old dusty book and gave it to you.
"Look at page... 167?"
You nodded and flipped there.
"One day he pledged to kill off every hybrid in his walls so none may ever challenge him. Many, many people died in those days. Books say that piles of bodies reached the height of some houses."
You shuddered at the illustration . The smell of death wafting through streets, the blood running down into the dirt of the roads. You could see it all in those pictures.

"Then ...Dream's ancestors challenged the man."
You turned the page and saw two other people sitting on the thrones, the one throne was the same one within the throne room right now.
"His ancestors were one of the bravest people of their time. Even the King with his hybrid abilities was not able to stop them."
You flipped a page and saw a crowd of people cheering.
"Some say that Dream's ancestors possessed a power like no other, the power of the End Dragon."
You turned the page and the shadow of a huge dragon.
"Others say that they had simply been chosen by the stars. And so Dream's ancestors rid the world of the jealous king. But too many hybrid families had died away or fled. Now only very few families including myself and yours remain."
You set the book onto the small table and followed Bad back down.
"If it was all those years ago, why haven't hybrids regrown the population?"
You asked.
"Easy answer there. Hybrids are a very rare thing to occur. Your family tree ,Y/N , is a strong one and involves hybrids joining with other hybrids. For a hybrid to be born is one in a thousand. Not many ever are born in bunches."
You sat back down. This was all so gratifying to finally know. When you were a kid you used to question why your brothers weren't born with wings or some form of hybrid part, now you knew.

Dream POV

Sapnap had left to return home with his fiancé Karl. They had to go and make sure that the mines, in the mountains West where they lived, were running smoothly. George was gone for the day, I had no idea where, and Y/N was probably just reading in the library. I would have given anything to go and just sit with her but the day was stacked with orders of business. Signing leases, training his soldiers, checking with Punz and Callahan on different machinery and plans, discussing laws and giving audience to my people who are in need.

It was late afternoon and sun was setting when the last villager left. I slumped down in my throne and sighed out loudly. I definitely needed to relax, and who better than Y/N to lift a smile to my lips. As I climbed out of my throne George came tumbling into the room. A guard rushed to George's side and muttered,
"Are you alright Lord NotFound?"
He waved his hand dismiss-ably and looked to me. "Dream! It's... L'manberg... they have... hosted... elections!"

I shouted,
George grunted.
"Yeah election. That's not the worst part. They have allowed people from within AND without of L'manberg to run."
I was fuming.
"It doesn't go against their contract... but this could be terrible."
George nodded. I started walking out of the room, my forest green coat trailing me.
"Walk with me."
George stepped in sync with the man.

"I assume then that you took the opportunity to start a campaign?"
George rubbed his neck at the blunt statement,
"Well sort of. Sapnap's fiancé, Quackity, did not go home with the other two. He is running for president, he asked me to be his second..."
I kept walking.
"Very well. Did Sapnap know?"
George shook his head,
"Quackity has not told either of them yet. Very awkward family dinner that's going to be."
I huffed.
"At least you are in the thick of it. You will tell me all that happens, understood?"
George nodded , double stepping as he did so. "Alright go get washed up for dinner."
George left my side. I took a flight of stairs up to the library's floor. My hands were sweaty, I could feel his throat tighten.
Blast it.
She was finally settling in, finally she was happy, now I'd break her heart all over again.


The library doors burst open. You jumped as did Bad. Dream stood in the doorway, his forest green cloak blowing behind him. His stance seemed panicked and you wasted no time jogging over.
"Hey what's wrong?"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Y/N... there's something we need to discuss..."
You touched his shoulder and the electricity you had become addicted to sparked by your touch,
"Just... get ready for dinner, we'll talk then."

New Chapter! Please vote and comment. Love you all so so much! Please help us get to 2k! We are so close.🥺🤌 Anyway thank you for your time.
I will see you... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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