Dream Team

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Dream POV

It had been a week now since I had shot Tommy in our duel. Y/N was in the bedroom next to mine. She hadn't come out of the room since she had arrived. I could still remember how devastated she looked when I had picked her up and put her on Spirit's back. Nick walked into my office and sat down on the chair in the corner. I lifted my head.
"What is it?"
I asked and Sapnap shrugged.
"Dream ...she hasn't come out of that room. It's been an entire week. What if she doesn't... doesn't snap out if it?"
I could see Sapnap's forehead furrow. He was concerned about Y/N. I was too. The girl was strong but this? This was traumatic. I did not want to be the reason that she cried. I had done what was best, surely she could see that?

George opened Dream's office door and sat down next to Sapnap.
"I gave her lunch. All she does is stare out that big window. Will she be alright?" He asked his friends.
I found myself appreciate my best friends even more. Both were so concerned about Y/N's wellbeing. I had thought that they would not approve of her being the latest member of the team. Instead the two others had grown to already accept her.
"She will be fine. I have an idea. Meet me in the gardens." I said and with that I stood, leaving my office. George and Nick looked to one another. Whatever Dream was doing, they hoped it would help.

I found myself outside her door. I felt a slight tinge of nerves as I touched the knob. I shook myself and opened the door. I saw Y/N sitting on the bed, staring out the huge window. I knew that she would have liked it. It looked across the gardens and out to the main gates of the walls around my castle. She did not move when she heard the door open. Her F/C1 and F/C2 wings sat lowly at either side of her. It pulled on a piece of my heart to see her this upset. I had grown fond of her daring attitude, her snarky comments, even her angry face. Seeing her broken hurt me in a way I had never felt before. It made me feel like idiot. Made me feel vunerable. I cleared my throat,
She did not answer. I slowly came and sat down next to her.

My nerves were set alight by the shear nearness of her body. She tensed and I moved away so I sat at the edge of the bed.
"Come on. I have something to show you."
She looked to me, confused. I grabbed her hand. The tips of my fingers were exposed and I felt her skin against my own. I felt a spike of electricity. She must have felt it too because she looked down at our hands. But I did not let go and neither did she. I led her out the door and guided her down the stairs, weaving through the halls, trying to dodge all the people and out the main doors. She held onto my hand as I dragged her around, probably not wanting to get lost. I didn't mind, the feeling of her hand in mine. Finally I took her to the garden. Nick and George stood waiting.

Y/N let my hand go. The electricity vanished, I felt a little more dull without its thrill. I slightly frowned then composed myself and stood to face her.
"We need to start training with our newest recruit. So ,as an initiation, we are going to play a little game."
I saw a slight glint of interest in her E/C orbs. Good.
"George, Nick, you and myself will race to the end of the maze."
She slightly smiled,
"Doesn't sound fair. All of you have been in the maze before."
I smiled to myself.
"Do not worry about 'memory', in this type of maze. Are you ready Babybird?"
She came to stand next to me. I looked down at her and she looked up to me and smirked.
"Get ready to eat my dust Smiley."
She said.
I chuckled and bent down into position.
"One! Two! Three GO!"
I said amd sprinted before 'Go'.
I could hear George shout,
before I entered the maze.

I took a left and hit a dead end.
I moved back and then took a right turn. I saw a glint of purple. A skeleton formed in front of him.
Oh no, the skeleton spawner part of the maze. I started to run backwards, and felt an arrow whizz past his mask.
I shouted as the arrows from the skeleton continued flying my way. I skidded around a corner and ducked down. The skeleton went straight past me, into a different side of the maze.

I heard George absolutely screeching from somewhere to my left. He must have hit a spawner as well. That or the skeleton found him. I stood and jogged forward. I took some turns, trying my best to find the centre. Then when I felt my foot hit something, I looked down in dread. A pressure plate. I stepped back off of it. The walls started to rumble.I shouted so my team would know.
I ran around as the literal walls of the maze started to switch and move. I ran, trying to spot the centre between the shifting and all the cracks. I saw a blur of pink and blue. There it was. I started to rush towards the spot. The walls then stopped and I could no longer see my goal. Back to square one.

A scream from behind me made me jump . Y/N came tumbling down the path and ran straight past me.
She yelled and skated around a corner. My eyes widened and I turned back to where she had come from. I heard the hissing before I saw the spiders. They scurried and hissed at me.
I shouted and started to sprint again, kicking up dust. I weaved through the maze not daring to look back. I could hear the hissing ; I felt myself tumble into something.
Sapnap said holding his forehead in one hand.
I scrambled to my feet and started running again.
I heard Sapnap scream.

After a solid hour and a half, the maze had shifted four times and I had fought skeletons, spiders, a lone creeper had nearly blown my head off and a number of traps. Finally I crouched down to take a break. I stopped my panting and ran a hand through my dirty blonde hair. I looked up to the large tree at the back wall. I knew that it was no tree, in fact it was the control room for the maze. I waved my hands over my head to the tree. Punz was in the tree, controlling the walls and the traps of the maze. I heard small whistles and the walls of the maze were pulled down into their chambers underground. I gave a thumbs up to Punz and wiped away the sweat on my forehead. Sapnap and George were sitting with their backs leaning on one another. They were exhausted. I walked to them, I saw that in fact they weren't alone. Y/N was sprawled out in the floor, her wings all spread out limply. I laughed and she picked her head up.
"What... are you...laughing ...at Smiley?"
She panted out and I laughed again. I sat down next her and she gleamed at me. It made my heart falter slightly.

"I told you the maze was no memory game."
I said and she snorted.
"Yeah? I was doing pretty well, till George showed up."
George took his glasses off and threw them at her.
She squealed.
George laughed,
"It's not my fault that those silverfish are so slippery."
She tossed him back his glasses and he caught them. Sapnap got up and didn't tell George,so George tumbled backwards onto his back. I laughed. So did everyone else. Eventually I was wheezing with tears in my eyes. Even Y/N was laughing. Finally I also rose to my feet.
"Come on Team. We all need serious showers. You in particular Nick. You stink."
Sapnap turned around and gasped dramatically at me.
"I'll have you know Dream that is a 'manly scent'. Of course you wouldn't know what that smelled like."
He said back to me. Y/N got up and strolled past Nick and said,
" If that is a manly scent have fun being lonely for the rest of your life. You smell like rotten eggs."
He shouted and chased her all the way back to the castle.

I chuckled as I watched them. George came up to me as they were walking back.
"You know what Dream?"
I glanced over to the man,
George put his glasses back on,
"I think she's a great fit for the team."

Newwwww Chapter! I hope you enjoy! Thank you for 1k reads! That is absolutely amazing. As always I will see you... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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