01 - Uncertain

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"I lose myself in these fights; I lose my sense of wrong and right." - It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade

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"Just tell me already," I muttered with a permanent, gleeful smile on my face, "where exactly are you taking me, Jason?"

"You've never been the patient kind of woman, Sophie. I should have figured that out by now," Jason snickered behind me, his hands on either side of my waist, guiding my steps as I walk on these seemingly-wooden floorboards. I can feel the cold, briny air nipping at my bare arms and neck. But with Jason so close to me, I feel so warm and tingly. Too much butterflies flutter in my stomach whenever he's this close to me. We've been together for nine years, but it never seems to get so old. The sparks between us never seem to die.

"Don't tell me you're gonna kidnap me, Jason Ian," I rolled my eyes underneath this black scarf he wrapped around my head to cover my eyes.

I absolutely hate surprises; they make me think of so much endless possibilities. But obviously, my boyfriend here is such a big fan of them. It's the third time of the month since he did this bandana-over-Sophie's-eyes thing. Sometimes I think back and wonder why Jason never gets tired of this when I already told him countless of times that I absolutely hate surprises. I guess that Jason is just a big fat stubborn boyfriend.

"Why would you think that, baby? The two of us practically live under one roof. Why do I need to kidnap you if that's the case, right?" He chuckled excitedly. He guided my body going to the right but I appear to comprehend his movement at an earlier time. So it pretty much ended with me bumping on something wood along the way.

"Ow." I muttered under my breath.

"Careful, baby," he held me much closer now since I almost fell on the ground if it wasn't for his hands on my waist. My skin tingled at his hot breath lingering in my ear. If I wasn't in a blindfold and if we weren't in an apparently-public setting, I'd probably grab him and kiss him like I always do.

Yep. I'm pretty much an impulsive girlfriend.

"Are we there yet?" I moaned as I swatted away the thought of making out with Jason while blindfolded.

"Almost there, Sophie," he made me stop for a while and held my feet to remove my high heels. Then he got up and guided me once again with one hand holding my waist, the other holding my shoes.

I can feel the soft, warm sand underneath my toes. They calm my senses at once, ignoring the fact that the winds are chilling my whole body. 'I knew that I shouldn't have worn this sleeveless white dress today.' I thought to myself suddenly.

Jason signaled me to stop walking. For some reason, it was much warmer than before and it isn't the sand's fault this time. He removed his hand on my waist and got in front of me.

"You ready?" he whispered as he held the knot of the scarf behind my head in his hands.

I nodded and smiled warmly at him, "I'm ready if you are."

"I am always ready for you, Sophie. Always."

And with those fleeting-but-thoughtful words, he'd undone the tie behind the back of my head in one swift movement. The first thing I've seen was his gentle and composed face. The face I've known since God knows when, the face I've seen every single day for the past nine years. That particular beautiful and perfectly-crafted face-his tousled dirty blonde hair, his sparkling grey eyes, his perfectly chiseled nose, his strong and smooth jaw line that I'd lined with sweet kisses and his full, pink lips I've kissed so many darn times that I've lost count before our first year together even passed. But this time, something's entirely different.

Somewhere in NeverlandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum