Chapter 48: Rendezvous

Start from the beginning

Bye, love. Be ready on time 😘 -Jai

I keep my phone down and look through my old clothes trying to find something good. I haven't really brought any clothes that I am not used to wearing now, apart from my track pants and few work clothes. Eliminating the options I see here, I decide to settle down for a saree that has somehow made it's way in my cupboard.

I decide to take a bath, wash my hair before settling back on bed. I curled my hair before wearing the blush pink blouse with three-quarter sleeves. I wear the saree of the same colour and the golden waist belt with it. I keep the minimal jewelry that I always wear before proceeding downstairs to wait for Jai. I see my parents and my sister sitting in the living room.

"Where are you going?"

"Jai is taking me out."

"So, I am guessing things are alright with you both now?" My father asks. I get a little embarrass thinking what my parents must be thinking and my rude behaviour for past few days.

"I am not sure but I think so."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Nope. It's something between my husband and I and I think I would like to keep it like that."

"Very well. Just know I am proud of the woman you've become, Maira. I need to you to understand that every couple has problems and the only way to be able to get out of it is to communicate and not run away. Only in the relations where people fight do they exist, obviously it doesn't mean that you keep on fighting but it's fine to fight sometimes and perfectly normal too. Forgive him, whatever he has done I am sure he hasn't done it intentionally. You should see how he looks at you, how he wants to give you moon and stars if he could and I am serious when I say this. I wasn't easy going on Jai earlier but I have seen his efforts in pursuing you, don't let such a guy out of your hands because you didn't have good examples of what gentlemen are like, how husbands are supposed to be and how a married relationship is to work out." I hear my father and I know he is saying the right thing. I can't help but think if he knows such things why hasn't he applied it to himself. I nod before I go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Maira, I know you know your father is right and he is being a hypocrite right now giving you relationship advices he himself never followed but those are wise words. You know that you are really impatient and you have temper issues still Jai wants to still around. He has accepted you for who you are."

"Mom, don't. All your talks just make me realise that a woman is supposed to always be submissive and never talk back to their elders and all. I am against all this misogyny and I am anyways getting late." I say looking at Jai's message informing him about his arrival.

I move out of the house and see Jai leaning against the passenger side of the car, looking down in his phone. He was wearing a royal blue penny suit with a white shirt underneath and two buttons undone. He seems to be standing straight out of a magazine. I thank my stars that I decided to wear something formal too, or else it would have been weird.

I clear my throat to make my presence known. Jai looks up from his phone and I can feel him checking me out top to bottom but I say nothing and stand in front of him.

"You are looking incredible." Jai says, making my cheeks flush.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I say not wanting to show how much his words affect me.

"Come on, let's go." He say pushing himself off the car and opening the door for me. I flinch back slightly afraid to get hit by the car door.

"Don't worry Maira, as long as I am opening the doors for you, you won't get hurt." He says while I take my seat. I see him getting in from his side before closing the door and starting the car.

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