And i oop

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What's the feedback so far on this story?
Likes and dislikes? Favorite character? Who's the funniest character? Who would you choose to date (Domo or Chino) Also august is just taking a break he'll be back..... Lisa or Kelly Kelly or Ace

Do you guys want a part two because I honestly don't think you guys are ready for the drama and lies and scandal these next few chapters will reveal. Because It's lit guys.

Also I'm going to start a sexy one shot serious full of erotic material similar to Zane books. 18th +. Comment 🔥🔥 if y'all be interested?

Also most importantly I would like to highlight that this story is not to make light of any abuse or narcissistic behavior men or women. It's just my experiences in one way or another some exaggerated into a story. Thing I've seen on tv or heard about through friends and shit like that. If anyone you know or you is in an Abusive relation ship seek help or try to find a way out please it's not worth it. It's not love and get away before it's too late. 💕💕💕💕💕💕 stay strong.

If you guys don't say much I'll just wrap it up and maybe start something new in due time. Not sure but you guys get with me on the feedback?

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