"And best of all. We got our miracle boy and my husband's body went back to normal afterwards." The second man hugged the first one and then the video panned through pictures of the two of them holding their newborn baby and then the two of them shirtless on the beach with muscled bodies. It zoomed in on the first man's stomach to show perfect skin.

"There were no scars from where they were able to take Taylor from my womb. The surgeon was an absolute artist and my abs definitely didn't look this good before the pregnancy." The first man voiced over pictures of him shirtless and doing yoga poses.

"We couldn't have asked for better." The second man said. The video moved on to other testimonials. Ten different male couples shared how their lives had been changed by the successful procedure.

They explained how the pills worked. Partner 1 took the green pills and developed the part necessary to create and grow a baby. Partner 2 took the red pills to increase sperm count and help it bond with the eggs developed in the first partner.

Once bonded, nature took its course. Partner 1 became impregnated and incubated the baby for six months. When it was time, the baby was delivered through surgery. The body absorbed and metabolized the unnecessary parts. If another baby was desired, the process would be repeated. The video showed a couple with three boys ranging from baby to 7 year old. This was not a new procedure.

"What the fuck, dude?" I looked over at Tareq who was stone silent as the video wrapped up showing a couple playing frisbee with their young son in a park.

"We should do a test first, but if you are no longer craving the green pill then it's likely a viable baby." The doctor went to a cabinet and took out supplies.

"I'm sorry, Dylan. I will explain after the checkup. Let's see if it worked." Tareq kept his arms around my waist as the doctor came over.

The doctor did a throat swab with a long q-tip. He put it into a larger vial that held liquid and put the cap on. He swirled it around then set it on the counter. Next, he did a blood draw on my arm and took a vial of it. He put a cap on that and sent it with a nurse.

The doctor poked around and put this scanner thing on my stomach to look and listen for things.

"The quick test shows he is pregnant, but we'll know for sure when we examine the blood markers. It should take an hour or so. It is too soon to see or hear what is going on. Let's get the blood test back before we decide anything." Dr. Rammat leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms.

"As for the boy. It is unacceptable for him to not have been given informed consent for this. Once we know more, it will be up to him to decide if he wishes to continue with this or terminate the pregnancy. At this stage, it is reversible, but will be painful. I am so sorry that he did this to you. It is becoming a major problem with this procedure, and it's one of the main reasons this is not a widely known option." He looked at Tareq with disgust.

"We will not terminate. That is not a concern." Tareq pulled me back against his chest and held me protectively.

"I will decide that. How could you? You knew this whole time and you kept going without saying anything!" I felt a rage grow inside me.

"We won't know for sure for a time. Why don't you two discuss this in our lounge? There is a juice bar you might like." The doctor wanted our drama out of his office.

"Let's go. You should eat something as well." Tareq stood and reached for my hand, but I pulled it back. I got to my feet and went towards the door.

We walked in silence back to the waiting room where a nurse led us down the hallway to a private cafe with a playground and lounge seating. There were a few men there and a few children. They were having some kind of play group and the men were sitting around talking while sipping juices from the bar.

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