Chapter 16: Already Moved On

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He reached his hand out and I smacked it down. 'I'm going crazy!' I thought.

"If you don't get the hell away from me, I swear Neymar, I'll do something insane!" I screeched.

He stepped back a bit and told me, "Vanessa just calm down-"

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!" I yelled, "I'm insane!" I kept repeating.

I quickly stood up and got ready to climb on the rail. What exactly was I going to do? Jump.


Vanessa's P.O.V

I stood on the rail looking down at the cars below. Neymar took one step closer to me.

"If you try to get any closer-I swear I'm going to jump!" I yelled.

Just then Rafaella stepped onto the balcony.


"Don't step any closer Rafa-or she's going to do it." Neymar warned.

Rafaella began to approach me, "Vanessa, sweet child, please get down from there. I don't want you to hurt yourself, so please get down."

I looked back down at the cars then straight into her eyes.

"Please Vanessa don't do it." I then realized she was right in front of me. I tried to step forward and slipped back. I fell, and fell, and fell, until I finally hit something hard and then it went black.


I opened my eyes, only to realize that I was in a truck filled with clothes. I guessed that's why it didn't hurt when I landed...well, hurt as much. I stood up and stumbled out of the truck before everyone followed me. I collapsed twice, before making it to the front door. I ran inside Neymar's house collapsed once more, but this time started to cry. I had to pour out my sadness. It was building up inside of me, and I couldn't hold it in me any longer. Rafaella, and Neymar ran downstairs and Rafaella ran to me and hugged me tight. I saw that Neymar was struggling to hold himself back, but knew very well that I didn't want a hug from him. He just sat away from me-giving me the amount of space that I wanted from him. If I wasn't in the state that I was in at that time, I probably would've even yelled at him for even looking at me, to be honest.


Neymar went out somewhere, and me and Rafaella were on the couch with the other girls all in our pajamas, busy snacking away on different foods, drinking different drinks and watching  movies one after another, after another.

"Don't ever scare us like that again Nessa." Selena said hugging me.

"Okay.." I answered quietly, hoping that I didn't miss anything important...even though we were basically at the end of the movie. The thing I really liked about hanging out with them, is that we never had problems with picking a movie to watch. Some how, we always knew what we all wanted next-without even having to ask!

"I'm serious you're one of my best friends don't do that again, do you understand me?" she rose her eyebrows at me.

"Okay, mom I understand." I said jokingly while smirking.

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