part two; game of survival

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PART TWO❝Now, wait for meplease hang around ❞

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Now, wait for me
please hang around

Indra and Delphia came into the main office to tell Octavia that everyone was waiting for her orders and guidance. Where to sleep. When to eat. 

The time of the commanders was over. This was her time. Our time.

We look at each other before walking outside. One thousand two hundred people looking at us. Waiting for our orders.

"This is it. We are all that remains of the human race." She states looking at them. "We won't lie to you. The next 5 years won't be easy." I look at her for a second before looking back at the others. "There will be days when we wish we were out there right now, but I promise you, if we stand together, if we are wonkru, then kom graun, oso na groun op... "  (From the earth we are born...)

Before she's able to finish, we start to hear the world ending. Praimfaya was here and the tower was falling down. 

"...kom folau, oso na gyon op." I finish her sentence as the noise outside quiets. (...from the ashes we will rise.)

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Where stories live. Discover now