twenty-one; best friends

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"You must have hit your head hard when you came down from space

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"You must have hit your head hard when you came down from space."

After a while, we walked to the dropship. Jaha was sitting on the floor against one of the walls. Talking about what happened made me even worst. I couldn't bear to look the man in the eyes. All I could think about was his blood on my hands. He didn't deserve to live more than my parents. More than me.

John sits in front of Jaha and I climb the stairs to the second floor. I sit against the wall looking at the one in front of me.

As I look at nothing, I think of how I don't remember what it is to be happy. What it is waking up every morning without wondering if it's really worth it. If something I do will change the outcome of things. My mother believed we were all here for a reason, that we had a purpose. She believed that we were more than just a body and that our soul was meant to be taken to its destiny. I believed that for a while but soon enough, when the memory of her started vanishing in the back of my mind, so did that belief.

On the other hand, my father believed humans were just that. Humans. Our brain was an incredible machine, but that was about that. When we died. We died. I don't believe that either.

Before earth, I believed that the human race was guided by selfish wishes and self-preservation acts. I never believed in love, or forgiveness, or kindness. I had felt it. I hated everyone I knew.

Since then, something has changed. I can't tell you what did, cause I don't know. I just know that I don't feel that way anymore.

I also know that I don't know what I feel. I don't understand things like love. Every time it crosses my brain I'm unable to comprehend it.

But I do understand hate, selfishness, emptiness, loneliness. It is what I'm used to, but still, I can't control it.

I feel lost in my own body, in my own mind. As if I'm in an endless room with thousands of strangers talking in an unknown language. Confusion.

I get up from my position and decide to walk outside, eager to feel the wind hit my face. I leave my weapons there, not wanting to let my anger take over me.

As I step out of the dropship, I sit just outside the entryway. Looking at the stars.

Memories flood my mind. Things I forgot even existed. Talks with my mother and father talks with Roman.

"When I first landed on the Earth, I met a woman who spoke of a place beyond the dead zone, a place where everyone is accepted... a City of Light." I hear Jaha saying.

"Heh. That sounds like a fairy tale." John replies as I get back in, this time, sitting on his side.

"Or a second chance." Jaha looks at me and I look away as I get comfortable and close my eyes slightly baking my head onto John's shoulder.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Where stories live. Discover now