twenty-seven; last tear

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"No more John Murphy

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"No more John Murphy. Only Innana Hestia."

John, Emori, and I were living in a cave fuck knows where. I was pretty much third-wheeling my boyfriend and Emori.

They would steal and I would hunt when they couldn't steal food. Yey...

If Delphia saw me she would kill me on the spot just for mercy. Me, a fighter, living with two thieves.

I was in the middle of the woods just walking around not knowing what to do while I waited for them to show up with whatever the hell they stole this time.

"We're back." I hear John calling and I roll my eyes and go behind him.

I felt like a shadow.

"Do I need to go hunt or did you do your job?" I ask them as Emoris death glares me.

"No food," John tells me and I take a deep breath. 

"What a surprise," I say ironically as I turn on my heel and walk towards the woods again.

I stay there for a while, After two hours I had watched two five-legged rabbits.


I think about leaving them behind on a daily basis. What was I even doing here? John clearly had broken up with me without ever telling me, and Emori was ready to jump on his bones the second I turned around. They bring garbage back while I go hunt for food and do bonfires.

I go back to the cave with the two rabbits, still thinking about leaving.

"You only found two?" Emori asks me and I scoff.

"What you think I ate an extra one in the way?" I snap at her, constantly on edge.

"Will you two calm down?"

"I even leave if you want to." I snap at John.

"Maybe you should," Emori says and I look at her, nodding.

"Maybe I will."

John takes a deep breath as he places the dead animals on top of the bonfire I had done earlier. When it's done, we ate in silence. When I'm done, I walk towards my corner, laying down and facing the wall. Covering myself in a blanket.

As usual, I'm unable to fall asleep. I get up and go outside, sitting on the grass supporting my back on the rocks behind me.

I hear someone coming and I notice it's John.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask him swallowing hard.

"Are we okay?" He asks me back and I get up.

"No, we're not." I look at him. "You treat me like shit."

"I don't." He scoffs. "You're mad because of Emori? Is that it?" When he says this I look at him unsure if he really said that.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu