nineteen; spacewalker

435 23 0

"Yeah, better me crying your death than the other way around, right?"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Yeah, better me crying your death than the other way around, right?"

We came to the dropship with Raven who had insisted on bringing John too. We were hiding there Finn.

"They're not moving any closer. Staying out of range." John says looking out of the dropship probably noticing grounders walking around.

"Probably waiting until it's dark," Bellamy states as I get up from my laying position on the floor.

"If we hit them now, at least we'd take them by surprise," John suggests and I get up.

"He's right," I mutter rubbing my eyes.

"We don't even know how many of them are out there."

"I'm not hearing any better ideas, Clarke." He looks away unaware of what to do next.

"We'll give them something," Raven suggests.

"Like what?" I ask.

"All they want is Finn," Bellamy tells her.

"Finn wasn't the only one at the village." She looks at the ground and John looks at her.

As instinct, I get closer to him.

"What are you talking about?" Clark asks confused.

"Raven, hold on." Bellamy gets closer.

"Raven, I came here to protect him. You were the one who wanted me to come. You..." he stops talking and starts thinking, smirking and looking at us "...that's why you asked me to come along?"

"Enough Grounders saw him at the village." She looks at us trying to convince us to do what she says. "They'd believe he was the shooter."

"Sick bitch." John mutters.

"You know what they do to people." Raven keeps talking but I interrupt her.

"That's why he should be the one we give to them." I point at Finn. "He's a murderer! He killed my friend! He killed his son!" I yell at Finn more than at Raven.

"They want a murder. We'll give them one." She points her gun at John. "Drop your gun." She orders and I put myself between the gun and him.

I look into her eyes as she points the gun at me.

"Get out of my way, Hestia." She warns me but I nod at her. "Get out of the way!" She gets closer.

"No," I say shortly and I feel his hand on my wrist not wanting me to be putting my life at risk for him.


"I won't fight you, Raven, but if you want to give him to the grounders, you gonna have to kill me, and I'm not easy to kill." I get closer to her.

She swallows hard and clenches her jaw. For a moment I think she's willing to shoot me but I don't get to know when Finn speaks out.

"Stop! Stop!" He pushes the gun away from me. "We're not doing this."

I swallow hard and breathe out the air I didn't even notice I was holding.

John's hand never leaves my wrist. Even when the gun's no longer pointed at my chest.

"They've got us surrounded." Finn states. "The only thing we can do is stay. Defend this place."

"I'm with you." Bellamy nods and is followed by Clark.

"Murphy..." Finn asks.

"Yeah." He says shortly.

Finn looks at me and I nod at him.

"Go upstairs. Watch the rear." He tells me and Murphy. "I'll take the lower level. You three, take the front gate." He orders "That's the plan. All right?"

We all nod as we get to the places he told us to.

He was gonna surrender. I knew it. He was assigning tasks where we would be so busy doing them that we wouldn't stop him from going.

I could stop him but I don't want to. He deserves it.

When we noticed, he did exactly what I knew he would.

"Finn!" Clark screams at the top of her lugs as Finn's taken by the grounders.

I thought that I would feel something, but I'm don't. I don't care if he lives or dies. I don't even react as his body gets out of my sight.

"Let's go," I mutter lowering the gun and walking towards the stairs.

I can feel John's eyes burning on my back.

"Why did you do that?" He speaks up and I stop looking back at him confused.

"Did what?"

"Downstairs, with Raven. She could have shot you." He sounds almost angry making me look around confused from where this just came from.

"You wanted me to let her shoot you?" I laugh confuse.

"Better me than you!" He snaps at me and I scoff.

"Yeah, better me crying your death than the other way around, right?" I look at him getting annoyed by all this stupid argument as he looks at me, still angry about me saving his life.

"You wouldn't cry my death. You don't need me." John says as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"What? Where the hell is this coming from?"

"You know what? Forget about it." He brushes it off and walks away from me

I can't say a word as he climbs down the stairs. I walk behind him but he already walked away in front of everyone. Bellamy looks at me almost asking what was wrong with John and I look away swallowing hard and licking my lips nervously.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin