thirty-nine; five years and earth apart

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"I can't do this without you

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"I can't do this without you."
"I'm not going anywhere."

After some hours we were in Polis, while the others went to the bunker, I went to meet Kane at the throne room. There was a conclave happening. One warrior per clan. The ones that actually stood a chance were Ilian kom Trishanakru, Fio kom Trikru, Luna kom Flokru, Roan kom Azgeda, and finally, Octavia kom Skaikru.

The winner would have the bunker for themself and their people. The losers would burn in Praimfaya.

"Is she still alive?" I ask Kane and he nods at me.

It was down to O and Luna. Luna was the last of her clan meaning that if she won, no one would take the bunker meaning we would all die in Praimfaya. y now, even the loser clans were begging for Octavia to win so that the human race wouldn't be obliterated in forty-eight hours.

Suddenly, the doors to the throne room open, Octavia showing up, covered in blood. She walks towards Gaia and handles the marks of the other warriors to the flamekeeper.

She won.

"The crypt of the first commander belongs to her people." Gaia states, everyone could see she wasn't particularly happy with the result.

"No." Octavia says steadily and gets close to the throne. "I wasn't fighting for Skaikru today. I thought I was fighting for myself, but I now know that's not true, either. I was fighting for us all. Skaikru will not take the bunker alone. We will share it equally because we are equal. We are one clan, and we will survive Praimfaya together."

I look at her, giving her a small smile and a nod.

She walks down and out of the tower, telling Kane, me, Gaia, and Indra to follow her. We walk towards the bunker with some guards behind us.

When we arrive at the flamekeeper's room, we see the bunker guards on the floor, I walk towards their bodies noticing that they all had been gazed.

Kane tries to open the opening to the bunker but he can't.

"No, no, no," Gaia mutters. "Keep everyone out." She orders one of the guards.

"It's locked!" Kane keeps trying and I lick my teeth, angry and nervous at the same time.

"They took the bunker," I mutter not looking at anyone in particular.

"How could they do this?!" Kane argues as he keeps trying but obviously fails.

"Skaikru has betrayed us all." Indra states and I take a deep breath.

* * *

Hours had passed by and Praimfaya keeps getting closer and closer. Octavia's plan was to wait for Bellamy to open the door from the inside, and knowing how much he cares about her, it wasn't that bad of a plan.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora