"Hey, Smiley, how was school?"

"Boring," Glen responded, yawning for emphasis. He reached his brothers just before his feet started dragging. His body was done for the night.

"Your hair is getting long there, bud."

"Another day's problem," Glen grumbled, swiping a hand through his hair. "Can I sit in the car? I feel like death run over."

"Aren't you going to greet me first?"

"Greet me who?" Glen finally looked up, confused. Didn't he just see them this morning?

He didn't think it was that funny, so why were his brothers laughing?

Frowning, he squinted as he looked at Austin then Francis, back to Austin, to the other side where Baker was standing.

"What the hell?" Glen was taken off guard, "What, Baker? What are you doing here?" He closed the couple steps gap that separated them and hugged him.

"Took you long enough," Baker chuckled, one of his hands finding the back of Glen's head. "How you been, Smiley?" He leaned down and kissed his messy hair.

"I don't... what? But Austin said," Glen was just dumbfounded right now.

"It was a surprise, Baby bro," Francis said, "Surprise!"

"Wow," Glen stepped back, shaking his head. "Holy hell, Hayes is going to freak. This is great!"

"I missed you," Baker ruffled Glen's hair before wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "You doing okay?"

"Missed you too," Glen replied, a grin lighting up his face, "I just, wow." He couldn't think of words to speak.

"Were you surprised?" Austin asked. It was a last minute thing, that just sort of played out in their favor, so their little brother had absolutely no clue.



Glen had to give credit to his brothers, they didn't even need to ask where Hayes was when everyone but Hayes seemed to leave practice.

They just seemed to know she was postponing the inevitable, of going home. Kudos to them, guess they were learning how to read the kids' minds after all. Only took them a month or so.

The brothers stopped just inside the gym, the air conditioning feel good after roasting in the hot sun. Their eyes focused on the young girl who didn't seem affected in the slightest by the lovely smell of blood, sweat, and tears.

Just kidding, the gym didn't smell that bad.

A smile threatened to emerge on Baker's lips when his little sister paid them no attention. She was fully invested in her practice against imaginary players.

Catch, dribble, shoot.


He didn't know how she did it. The constant sound of the basketball shoes squeaking against the waxed court was enough to drive a sane person crazy.

He did know that his sister was dang good, though.

"Quiet Storm, time's up. Go home, kid." Coach Gordon called from the sidelines.

"Just five more minutes, Coach," Hayes tried to negotiate but her Coach shook his head.

"Nu uh. Your brothers are waiting for you. Go home." He said, walking over to her. He, unlike Hayes, saw the Powers brothers come into the gym.

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