thirty-nine; five years and earth apart

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Echo had shown up, with the promise to keep the others away from the locked bunker if we let her people in. Apparently, she had been banned from Azgeda for interfering in the conclave.

After a while, Bellamy finally showed up, opening the bunker and letting us in. To my surprise, John was with him. When our eyes lock the only thing I do is nod at him, to what he only looks away in response. Echo wasn't allowed in, but as Octavia promised, her people were.

There were one hundred beds for each clan and we were in the main office with Jaha, Clarke, Bellamy, Kane, and Abby. Gaia wasn't there and neither were the guards that were with us earlier. Bellamy had one of the beds, and Murphy had another one.

Raven had stayed in Becca's lab trying to cure her head and had told us that she was okay so they wanted to go back and get her before the death wave.

"This facility won't run itself," Kane states looking at the bunker's map in front of him.

"We'll need to prioritize doctors and engineers." Abby states as Jaha stays at the door looking at the crazy amount of people outside.

"All right. Of course, we go for Raven." Kane nods never looking away from the table.

"You call this justice?" Jaha asks looking back at us and Octavia looks up at him.

"I call this making things right, thanks to my brother." She looks at Bellamy and Jaha keeps his mouth wide open.

"You let this happen. How many of us have to die?" Jaha walks towards us.

"You're lucky it's not all of you," Indra tells him making me wide my eyes at him.


"We have 100 spots." Kane tells his friend. "The other clans have all..." he hesitates, "...have all chosen their survivors. We have to do the same."

"One hundred?" Jaha asks, "We have over 4 times that."

"A pain that all clans feel," Octavia tells him.

"Is this what you wanted?" He asks Clarke.

"No one wanted this." She replies.

"Want's got nothing to do with this." I snap at them.

"Skaikru gets 100 beds, same as everybody else. Bellamy gets one of them. Murphy gets another one. The rest is up to you." Octavia looks at me and them at them again. "The death wave comes in 24 hours."

"You've got 12 to decide." I finish and we both walk away, Indra eventually catching up with us. "We make a good team. I told you we should stick together." I look at her speaking low enough for only her to hear.

We walk to the other part of the bunker, letting them alone to decide for themselves. I look back at Indra, who's still with us.

"Is Delphia and Osmo on Trikru's list?" I ask her.

"They are." She nods at me and I take a deep breath. "Delphia's proud of you."

"She should be." I look at Indra. "She made me. The same way you made O."

"Yes, she did." Indra looks away from me and walks towards her clan, leaving us.

* * *

Delphia had told me to go get one of the guards that were on the doors to the part where Skaikru was, so I do as I'm told. As soon as I step out of the others clan's place, Clarke comes running towards me. I tell the man to go to Delphia and look back at Clarke.

"We're going to get Raven." She tells me. "I was expecting you to come with us."

"Should have thought about that before letting us outside to toast in the death wave."

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang