The leaves brushed your cheeks.


With a yell, you raised your arms, muscles straining as you broke from the metal encasing, steel cracking with loud booms as you escaped. Breath hitched with surprise, you curled into a ball, hoping to slow your descent. It worked somewhat, making it so that you hit the dirt like a cannonball, but you were unscathed. No scratches laced your skin. Only dirt and clothes- those of which had been ripped somewhat in the fall. Staggering, you climbed up and out of the crater, confusion and anger written in your expression. "Who the hell- why the hell?" Your eyes darted left and right, seeing easier in the dark than they had. Night vision? No- not quite. Either way, it was a big help when it came to seeing the perpetrator. A group of men with night-vision goggles, sitting in the dark with guns raised, one of them a cannon of sorts in their arms. It looked as though they had started to pack it away, but had stopped upon your landing- or crash. Its barrel faced you, and after a moment, the man arming it seemed to realize you had seen them, and fired. You dodged with relative ease, but you were quick to notice it was the same projectile that had captured you in the first place.

"Alright." You growled. "Who the hell are you guys?" The men opened fire immediately, to which you squeaked and turned away, holding up your arms as though they would protect you. No projectiles came to hurt you. Instead, when you turned back to peak, you noticed all of them were dead, Bane standing over them and readjusting his tie. "What? How did you-?" He held up a hand, silencing you. A comm still worked, and from it you could hear the words of a panicked man. Bane lowered to the ground, plucking it from one of the men's ears, and pressing it to his own. You approached him, curioos as well.

"Did you capture them? Exo-6, I repeat, did you capture them?!" You frowned. A curse sounded from the other end of the line, and it went dead. Bane grumbled. "We have to go after them. And this time, you will do the work." You shook your head rapidly, staring at him with a bewildered expression. "Hell no- I'm not ready for that! How did you even do that, anyway?!" You blinked, and he was wrapped around your ring finger again. "I will explain later. You know where to go, and you know what to do." Your pupils dilated, expanding until they overtook the entirety of your eyes, blackening them. "Yes, I do know." You felt high- hypnotized. The same feelings you had when taking down Wil filled you to the brim, thrilling you. Though you knew you'd have to ask Bane about it later- you weren't sure how you felt about this sort of odd control he had over you.

Jumping from the dirt with a thundering boom, you headed for the location. It was somewhere in Russia. You found the facility deep within mountains and under snow, buried and hidden away from all eyes. It broke with ease, giving you access. Red lights blared and alarms whined high, signalling the facility to your presence. Armored men ran through the halls, eyes settling on you. Heavy and loud guns were held in their arms. The moment they were in formation, they fired. But only a single round left their rifles as you ran through the wall of men, each one decaying in an instant, decomposing at varying levels that ranged to simple blackened skin and pale veins to fresh and bloodied skeletons.

You tread the halls in a casual walk, slowly making your way in the red light towards the center of it all. Every gunned man that crossed your path you'd simply dash up to and touch them with the tip of your finger and find them dead in the next instant. You drank up the souls and deaths of the ones you killed with a giddy joy that filled your belly with wondrous warmth. It kept your actions fuelled, and you found yourself feeling very little sympathy towards those you killed. As you drank their souls- their entirety- you knew the people you killed. And very few of them were good people. Good people don't end up in a facility such as this. An experimental place for horrible creatures of their own making.

The Unkillable: Death Sworn [INVINCIBLEXREADER]Where stories live. Discover now