✩Final Battle Pt. 2✩

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My ring began to glow and at my command, it slid off my finger and transformed into my sword. The battle commenced and there were attacks being thrown left and right. Complete chaos to say the least. 

About ten vampires charged at me together and I was able to quickly slice through them. They dissolved as soon as I did. At one point, there were so many coming at me that I decided to call down a different attack. "Fiery rain!!" I shouted and about 100 swords rained down from the sky.  A few seconds after contact with the ground, they disappeared. 

The devils paused and looked back at me. Jek scowled at me in disgust. He approached me and said, "You little..! I'll crush you with your bare hands for getting in the way!" He sprinted towards me and I cut him across the chest with my blade. He grunted and bent over in pain. 

"Give up if you realize what your fate will be!" I said in a stern tone.

 He raised his head and responded, "Never! Lord Nesta will achieve his goal and you will die too!" 

"I gave you a chance...Now, I can't hesitate!" I declared as I slashed my blade across his chest once more. He tried his best to stay on his feet. I knew it had to be done, so I finished it and Jek fell limp. 

I could hear Nesta laughing and I looked to him and shouted, "What are you laughing at, coward!?"

"'Coward', you say?" He inquired. 

"You don't have the guts to face me yourself. You only send your 'minions' after me!" I fired back.   I realized that my anger might be clouding my judgement and I felt ashamed. 

"Is that so? Then, I accept your challenge. Now, show me how you truly shine, starlight!" He said this in a mocking tone. 

I took a moment to regain my composure and turned to the the devils. "Keep her safe..!" I said. Ritsuka looked concerned and I gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. Then, I showed my true form. My wings were still pure white and my clothes turned into my traditional Celestial Realm garments. 

Nesta used his powers to strike me down, but he wouldn't easily succeed. I blocked attacks with my sword and did my best to stand my ground. Knowing I had to do more than stab him, I prepared my weapon. 


A fireball erupted from the end of my blade. Twelve stars fell down from the sky and exploded on impact with the ground. 

He groaned in immense pain and I attempted to attack once more, but he was quicker. He grabbed my throat and held me above the ground. As I struggled to breathe, I instantly let go of my sword to hold onto my throat.

"Amara!!!" Ritsuka screamed. 

I made a final effort to fight back and commanded in a weak voice, "Scorch and purify!!" The pattern of the star appeared beneath Nesta's feet and engulfed him in flames. I tumbled to the ground, gasping at every chance for fresh air. 

"Ritsuka! You need to destroy his heart!!" I shouted. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it, so I had to give that job to her. I was told not long before the start of this mission that Nesta would die if you destroyed his heart. Obviously, I failed at that, but Ritsuka has the power to achieve that. 

Nesta's body looked like it was surrounded by a dark aura. He slowly got up and said, "You...You thought that was enough to get rid of me?!" 

I took a step back. "Of course not..! We're not done yet!" I sprinted toward him and continued to fight. All my attacks had slowly weakened him, so it would be easier for Ritsuka to kill him. Now, it was time. 

Nesta blocked my attack and forced me to let go of my sword. He used it to stab me twice, causing me to scream in pain. I stumbled back and put my hand on my stomach. When I looked down, blood stained my hand. He held me up by the collar of my dress and declared, "Say 'goodbye' to your dear friend!" 

He then flung me off the edge and it seemed to go in slow motion to me as I plummeted toward the ground several hundred feet below. I used my wings to slow my fall and hit the ground a little softer than I thought I would. I held myself up on my hands in knees, trying to catch my breath. 

I got to my feet and tried to fly my way back to the top of the tower, but when I tried, it hurt my wings and wounds too much. There were no stairs in sight, so I tried harder. Eventually, I knew I pushed it so hard and I fell to the ground. Beside me, I could see a pool of blood. Everything was hurting and I groaned. I rolled over to lay on my back. 

As I laid there, looking to the dark sky and the pale red moon above. I closed my eyes, feeling tired and slowly the pain seemed to be subsiding. Before I knew it, my mind became empty and calm.

I was dead




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