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At some point, Ritsuka decided to go get something to eat from the school cafeteria. When she got up, I felt that someone have moved so it woke me up. I scrambled to the door and cried, "There's no way you're going without me." 

She allows me to tag along, so I followed her and gathered some snacks I could find. When I got distracted by trying to reach a basket of snacks from a high shelf, I noticed that Ritsuka wasn't there. I left the snacks and bolted out of the room. "Ritsuka!" I shouted. 

She was standing on the landing of the staircase and in front of her was a man I found slightly familiar. He glanced at me for a moment, then focused back on Ritsuka. "Have you made your decision?" 

"Ritsuka, listen to me! Don't be drawn in by false claims!" I shouted. 

She looked back at me and answered, "They know where my mom is. I have to know if she's okay!" 

"That's right and who are you to deny that, little angel?" The vampire added. 

I unclenched my jaw and said, "If you're going with him, I'm going too." 

She nodded and approached him. I followed close behind. We were transported to a room that looked almost like an auditorium. 

The vampire wasted no time to explain that Ritsuka was the daughter of the Devil King, Mackis. I was shocked by this because I was not informed at the beginning of this mission that that was the case. I knew that the main reason he was telling her this was to mess with her mind and appeal to her emotions in order to get her to come with him.

He mentioned Lord Nesta which sent shivers down my spine. I had only heard a few stories about him, but many other angels talked about what a horrid being he is. I don't doubt their words. 

I looked at Ritsuka and said, "You can't do this! There's no way you can trust this guy! Come on, we can find a way!" 

"Like what? We've tried everything! Like Jek said, time is running out and I need to make a decision now. I want my life to go back to normal as soon as possible!" She fired back.

I stared back at her, biting my lip and trying to prevent myself from saying anything I would regret. 

She paused for a moment, then shook her head. She grabbed my arm and pleaded, "Stay...Please! I can't do this alone." 

I sighed with a nod, acknowledging her wish. "I'm sorry, it's just..." Ritsuka started, but was interrupted by Jek. 

"We're wasting time! Do you want to save your family or not?" He nagged while tapping his foot impatiently. 

"Let's go."

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