✩New Mission✩

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I returned to the Tower of Sol where I was greeted by the other angels. "Where did you go?" One of them asked. "Oh I saw this guy...he was really weird, I've never seen him before!" I replied. 

Michael overheard and came over. "Amara...you know you have a new mission! Why did you just run off?" He crossed his arms. 

"Wait, I have a new mission!?" I exclaimed. It's true that I hadn't been told yet, but I didn't think that I would have one so close to the last. 

"Yes, I'm surprised you didn't know yet. Come with me, I'll explain it to you," he said. I followed him to his office which I had been in so many times. I took the seat across from him and he pulled out few folders and began flipping through them. 

"So I have to tell you before you go...This particular mission is dangerous. You will face a lot of challenges and even your life is at risk. I want you to know that," he said with a solemn look on his face. I slouched in my seat, a little worried about what it could be about. 

"I understand, sir. I have no fear, but I am concerned why you say that," I reply, straightening my posture.

 "Well, it's about the Grimoire. It can finally be traced and now, we have word that the devils and the vampires are after it. A girl by the name of Ritsuka Tachibana seems to have ties to the Grimoire or its whereabouts," Michael explained. 

"I see. You want me to protect the girl, correct?" I asked. 

He nodded and continued, "In addition to that, we need you to try to find the Grimoire and keep it from falling into the wrong hands. With the Grimoire, the devils or the vampires can easily take over all the worlds, including us. Our numbers are small, but with the Grimoire, we can protect ourselves and the humans."

 I took all of this in and decided on the spot, "I accept!" Michael nodded and scribbled something on one of the mission record forms.

 I knew that was my queue to go, but where to? As if he was reading my mind, he said, "I'll send you off in a little bit, so please hang out by the mirror hall." I left the room and waited outside of the mirror hall. 

As I was waiting, someone else sat on the floor next to me. It was Raphael, another archangel. Specifically, an archangel of healing. "Hey, Amara. What's up? Is something troubling you?" He asked. 

"I'm going on my last mission..." I muttered. He fell silent for a moment before asking, "Is it about the Grimoire?" I nodded and he patted my shoulder. "I know you'll be fine. You're as strong as the rest of us, so you shouldn't worry about things going wrong. You have a good head on your shoulders, kid!" He said. 

A few minutes later, Michael came and we entered the mirror hall. When I turned back, Raphael gave me a hug and said, "You have my prayers." I found this comforting and hugged him back, burying my face in his shoulder.

 When we let go, Michael took my hand and put something in my palm. It was a gold ring with a pink diamond on it. "That is your new weapon. It has the power to transform in a sword at your will," he explained.

 I thanked him and turned to the huge mirror. It showed where I would be going and I took a deep breath. I held the edge of the mirror and looked back once more at my friends. "I love you guys. I'll be back," I said. 

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