✩Rem to the Rescue✩

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On my way back to my apartment, I saw a girl in the same uniform as me run past. She looked panicked and I grabbed her shoulder. "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head and replied, "My mom! She's gone! My house is damaged too!" 

I patted her shoulder and said, "Ok, everything's gonna be alright. Let's go to the police." I looked back at her house that she referred to and I saw the gate was bent and it looked like the place had been trashed. 

We head to the police department and return to the house, but it was back to normal. "But how..?" I murmured. The police did a small search, but they didn't find anything so they left. 

"You saw the state is was in, right?" The girl asked. I nodded and said, "I'm so sorry...Do you have a friend you can call to spend the night or something?" She replied, "Yes. I think I'll call my friend, Azuna." She went inside and started to gather some of her belongings. "I forgot to ask. What's your name?" I asked. She turned to me and answered with a smile, "I'm Ritsuka! Nice to meet you."

That name! She's the one with some kind of key to the Grimoire! I felt even worse for this girl since her mom had been kidnapped most likely because of it. If she is the same Ritsuka, I will have to become friends with her in order to get more information and to protect her however I can. I introduce myself as well and she goes to call her friend. 

Once she was ready to go, we walk out and down the street. It's evening and the sun is almost fully set, so I'm glad I stayed with her. We started to get further from where my apartment was, so we decided to part way about halfway there. "Are you sure you can make the rest of the way by yourself?" I asked. She nodded and replied, "Yes! Thank you for your help! I'll see you tomorrow!" 

I started walking the other way and when I was about a block away, I heard a yell. I turned to see two guys holding Ritsuka down while a third guy stood in front of her. I kept to the shadows of the surrounding buildings and hurried to get closer. 

Upon closer inspection, they were vampires! I could tell from their red eyes that were almost impossible to ignore. When I got closer, I decided that there was no time to do some sneaky takeout of these guys and that a simple brawl would have to do. I kicked both the guys between the legs and they let go of Ritsuka. I put her behind me, forming a shield with my body. 

Seemingly out of nowhere, a car pulled up and its bright headlights blinded me. I squinted as a dark figure stepping out of the car. After a moment, I realized it was Rem. "Oh great..!" I muttered.

He wasted no time in getting rid of the vampires, but he ended up letting the third one go. I held Ritsuka's shaking hands in mine and focused on calming her down. Rem came over to us and spent a minute just staring at Ritsuka. 

I helped her up and grabbed her bag. "Thank you...You saved me..!" She murmured to me, still shaken up. I pulled her into a hug in an attempt to calm her and said, "It was nothing. What matters is you're okay!" She hugged back and I could feel her relax against me. I pulled away and turned to Rem. He walked back to the car and looked back at us. Ritsuka started to walk toward him while I still stood with her bag. 

Why did she want to go with him?! What about her friend, Azuna? Maybe they knew each other already? But that would mean the Grimoire would be easily in his grasp! 

I tapped her shoulder and asked, "Do you want me to go with you?" She replied, "If you want. I think it'd be best for us girls to stick together right now!" I agreed with her, but I still had a lot of concerns. I decided I would just make sure she was okay, then walk home by myself. "I would like that..!" I answered, following her to the car with our things.

The car ride was awkward for me. Rem and Ritsuka started to discuss the situation at hand and they tried to figure out what was going on. I couldn't pay much attention because I was so tired. It was my first day in a human school in a while so I was exhausted. I laid my head against the head rest and slowly fell asleep next to Ritsuka.

When we arrived, Ritsuka tapped me to wake up. We got out and it turns out we had arrived at a gorgeous mansion. I hesitantly entered the house where Rem led us to a small room from the foyer. I wasn't about to let Ritsuka out of my sight. I think she can take care of herself, but still I wasn't going to just leave her with someone I knew was a devil. Who knows what would happen... 

The Starlight of the Celestial Realm [Dance with Devils]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن