one more time

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A/n: sorry to anyone who is named penelope- this may be an awkward story 💀

Y/n has been walking for what seems like hours till she finally falls backwards on the cushiony grass of starsnatch cliff exhausted. Staring at the stars in awe and amusement she grabs a dandelion,makes a wish, and blows it.

Grabbing a flower and setting it on fire for absolutely no reason she starts to cry. Falling back down onto the grass and covering her face with her right arm. Tears, no not just tears waterfalls come down from her eyes and roll down her face and onto her neck as she is sobbing unapologetically loud.

Until she hears voices in the distance. Not like she could care less so she just closes her tired and burning eyes to rest for 'a few minutes' 


"Lilith what are you doing here?" The same voice you don't want to hear says angrily "get lost" he scoffs

You wipe the tears off your face and rub your eyes just to see Scaramouche and some other girl. "No thanks. I was here first" you say boldly.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you,I hate you, I ha-" y/n was cut of by a slap across the face "Shut up you psychopath" he says in disgust. The girl frown and grabs his arm as if telling him to stop. To which he doesent comply as he grabs the neck of your shirts and pulls you up "watch your mouth you pathetic, weak, b*tch" he angrily whispers to you.

"It's sad how much a person can change." You mumble to yourself not wanting anyone to hear it but also not caring if they did. "AYEEE SCARAMOUCHE, PENELOPE, AND Y/N!!!" A sing song toned bard runs up to you all then is disgusted by the scene unfolding.

Venti grabs your arm and drags you away giving Scaramouche an angry and disappointed look before turning back ahead and not looking back.


'Y/n?? Where have I heard that name before??" Scaramouche thinks trying his hardest to remember then its just a huge slap to the face when he remembers who 'y/n' is 'what ever its not the same y/n I used to know. She's dead' he thinks feeling saddened but still managing to smile and continue the date with Penelope

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