A long day

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A/n:  this is gonna be a fluff chapter >:) i feel like i did you guys wrong with the short amount of fluff in the last chapter so i hope this makes up for the crappy chapter!


   Y/n has been training outside for a whole day. Eventually she falls to her knees in exaustion. "Phew! What a long day" y/n says in releif. 'I will be sore in the morning TwT' she thinks to herself before trying to sit up. Shes successful in standing up but walking hurts really bad. 'Dangit! I will have to walk all the way to my room'

just at the thought she already feels dread. She slowly limps her way through the woods. Its peaceful as the wind blows and the leaves fall. thats until *THUNK* Y/n feels a sharp pain in the back and quickly pulls out her catalyst to attack whatever hit her. She swiftly turn around ready to attack but her tired body doesent agree with this. Her vision goes blurry but right before she passes out she sees a huge strike of lightening coming from behind her that instantly kills the hilichurl that attacked her. Even tho y/n is passed out she feels someone catch her in their arms. She assumes by the lightening and the persons arms that its Scaramouche.

   Your eyes slowly flicker open and you look around your surroundings still tired from fainting earlier. You take notice that you arent in your bed pretty quickly and pretty soon your able to peice together you arent even in your room. 'Where am i' you think sitting up quickly. "Oh i see youre awake" A familliar male voice says. You look to your side and see Scaramouche just laying there looking at you. "What happened" you ask with a slight tint of blush on your face.

    "Well i was watching you train then on the way back to the Fatui you got attacked by a hilichurl. I assume your body was too tired to fight so you just fainted." Scaramouche says in a sleepy voice. "Oh i see!,Scaramouche are you tired?" You say a bit concerned. "No" he answers and crosses his arm like a child that doesent want to sleep at bedtime. This makes you laugh to which Scaramouche just blushes in embarassment. "W-what are you laughing at y/n!" Scaramouche whisper shouts.

    "You act like a little child at bedtime!" You say pretty much dying of laughter. Scaramouche blushes whilst huging your waist and nudging his head on your shoulder. You blush like a tamato at Scaramouche's actions. "Youre gonna regret laughing at me y/n~" Scaramouche says and you can feel the smirk on his face. 'WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY THAT @^@' y/n thinks while blushing like crazy. Scaramouche starts tickling your stomach (HAHA YA SIMPS YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE LEWD BUT ITS TICKLING)

   You start laughing and squirming trying to get away from his grasp but he just pulls you back everytime. "OKAY OKAY I TAKE IT BACKKKKK" You shout while getting the life of you tickled away. "Too late y/n!" Scaramouche says with an evil smirk.


   Y/n's stomach hurts from laughing so much and Scaramouche seems satisfied with his revenge.

   Scaramouche pulls you back even more to the point your laying on him. He hugs you and plays with your hair.
And as per tradition he starts humming you a lullaby so you can fall asleep better.



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