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6 years ago

Mari Jin-Li Huang, the princess of China was walking through the west wing of the Palace to find her father.

'I wonder what he needs' she wondered wiping away a bead of sweat from her forehead.

She'd just finished her sword training with her advisor and personal advisor Chao.

"Mari! Hey Mari! Wait up!"

Mari quickly turned to see her closest friend and personal bodyguard, Nino.

She stopped her fast paving and waited for her friend to reach her

"Dang Princess" he began between pants. "Where are you speed along off to? You were meant to wait for me remember?"

"Sorry Nino" she sighed. "I got a message saying that father needs me. It seemed pretty urgent and you know how he is when it comes to serious situations.

"Oh alright then. Best not keep him waiting"

Throne room...

"Father?" Mari said noticing him sitting on his throne, her mother next to him. Both of them had had uneasy looks on their faces when they saw their daughter enter the room.

"Mari Jin-Li" Jiao-Long, the Emperor, called. Mari felt a little nervous. It's not often her father will call her by her full first name.

Mari and Nino both walked before the King and Queen and bowed before Mari sat on her throne and Nino stood beside her.

"Blossom, we have...some news" Xiang, her mother, said.

"What is it?" Mari asked cautiously.

"You will be moving to Paris and you will be staying with Aunt Sabine for a while.

To say that shocked the princess was an understatement.

" w-what? Why am I moving?" She asked

"We got word of those rebels being seen lurking around. One tried to break in last night but he was caught and I was instantly put in prison as he was also found with a weapon." Jiao-Long explained.

"B-But I can't move! I can protect myself too, after all in a pro-"

"Yes, Mari we know. You a prodigy in so many things just as we had hoped. But sometimes we need to be cautious. We cannot risk your life blossom. Just because you are a skilled fighter, that doesn't mean well expect you to be fighting them." Xiang explained. Mari could tell that even though her serious face her mother was trying to hold back her tears.

"I don't want to leave China," Mari said in a broken whisper. Nino rubbed the princesses back in comfort.

"We do not want you to leave either blossom" Jiao-Long sighed as he ran his hand through his already messy top-knot. " however we must do what is best. Nino will be going with you as well. At least you will have someone your age that you are already close to with you"

Although hearing That her Best Friend would be going with her, it still didn't get rid of the pull in her chest.

"Will I come back soon?" 'Will I ever see him again?' She asked hopefully

"We're not sure. But your Blossoming Ceremony will most definitely happen"

"When will we be leaving?" She asked.

Both her parents looked at each other, looked back at their daughter and replied at the same time.


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