Wu stared at him. "What, first Kai, now you?" he huffed.

Cole looked at his feet.

Wu sighed. "Look, Cole, I just don't think my brother is in the mood to talk right now," he explained as best he could. "He's a little... out of sorts."

"Then maybe he just needs some good news," Cole offered, looking up again.

"Is what you need to tell him good news?" Wu inquired.

Cole shrugged. "As good as news can get these days," he muttered.

"You can try," Wu said. "But don't get too excited."

As Wu headed down the hall, Cole felt confused at the sensei's words. Why wouldn't Sensei Garmadon want to talk? I'm sure he has a lot on his mind!

Shrugging, Cole pushed open the hospital room door and went inside, finding Garmadon sitting at the edge of his bed. He rushed over to the sensei, feeling his excitement return.

But Garmadon barely noticed the black ninja's presence.

"Sensei?" Cole said, hoping to get his attention. He glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "I think I found out something useful!"

Garmadon didn't shift his gaze from the window.

Cole stared at him with concern. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of the sensei's face. "Can you hear me?"

Eventually, Garmadon's gaze dragged from the window to the black ninja, although his eyes were unfocused. Uneasiness swarmed through Cole. Now I know what Sensei Wu was talking about.

"I-it's about Lloyd," Cole pressed. "I think I've found a way to help him."

Garmadon's eyes flashed at the name of his son, and for once he seemed to understand.

Now we're getting somewhere! "Yes, you remember Lloyd?" Cole went on. "I saw him. We shared a vision!"

Blinking, Garmadon turned his head until his gaze locked on Kai. Cole followed his gaze to the unconscious ninja and began to understand.

"Are you worried about Kai?" Cole ventured, trying to communicate with the sensei. "Is that why you won't talk?"

When Garmadon looked back at the window, his expression was suddenly hardened. Cole felt utterly helpless. This is getting us nowhere!

"Don't you want to hear what I found out?" Cole asked desperately.

There was a long silence as the black ninja waited for Garmadon to answer. Then he gave a dejected sigh. "Fine," he murmured, shuffling his feet. "It wasn't that important anyway."

Head low, Cole trudged out of the room and down the hall, feeling disappointed. Maybe what I saw wasn't really important, he thought sadly. Maybe it all was just a dream. Maybe I'm not really special. Maybe I'm just Cole. Plain, boring, old Cole—the ninja who can't do anything right. I hurt Kai when he was wounded and completely shut Lloyd out... I'm lying to Sensei... I didn't give any help in the Shuriken Battle and I burdened everyone with my wounds, not once thanking them for the effort they gave to take care of me. What kind of a ninja am I?

Cole sighed and slumped onto his bed, questioning his life decisions.


Cole jolted from his thoughts at the stern voice. Breath quickening, he looked around, but no one was in the room.

"Listen to yourself, Cole!" the voice echoed in his ears.

Cole's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. "K-Kai?" he gasped. He jumped to his feet and looked around wildly. "Wh-where are you?"

Kai chuckled. "Just because I passed out doesn't mean we're not connected anymore!"

"I'm so confused," Cole muttered to himself.

"Cole, get out of your self-pity!" Kai went on. "You have things you need to do!"

"Things like what?" Cole demanded. "I tried to help Lloyd, but it only made things worse!"

There was a silence.

Cole glanced around uneasily. "Kai?" he called.

Another chuckle echoed through his head. "Sorry, I had to!" Kai snorted. "You should've seen your face!"

Cole clenched his fists. "Kai, this is serious!"

"Look who's talking!" Kai pointed out. "A minute ago you thought this was all a big joke!"

"Yeah, until you went inside my head!" Cole snapped.

There was another silence.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Are you serious, Kai?" he growled. "I know you're still there!" He paused as he waited for a reply. "Kai?"

There was no answer.

Cole shifted his feet nervously. "A-are you still here?"

A gust of wind suddenly flew at Cole from behind. He gasped as it nearly knocked him over and he staggered on his feet. Pain burst from his stomach. Hissing, he clutched his stomach as the world began to spin. Dust and debris flew around him, shielding him from his surroundings. Panting with pain, Cole shut his eyes as the wind tugged at him from all sides.

Then a bunch of voices suddenly rang out from all around him.

"Ninja never quit!"

"I hate you!"

"This ends now!"

"You half-hearted, good for nothing—"

"How could you?"

"Figure it out before someone gets hurt!"


Cole gasped as he was jolted and the world suddenly stopped spinning. With a groan, he fell to the ground, overwhelmed with exhaustion and pain. As he lay panting, the desperate voices rang in his head over and over. What does all this mean? he wondered desperately. And what am I supposed to do about it?

As the last of the pain faded, Cole heaved himself back to his feet. I can figure this out, he thought determinedly. Kai and Garmadon are out, but I'm still here. I can do this alone, just as I handled everything else alone. I'll figure out these visions and find a way to help Lloyd—you can count on that!

As Cole soaked in his pride, Kai's voice rang in his head again.

"That's more like it!" he cheered. "Now go out there and do something useful!"

Cole smirked. "Will do!"

Then he headed out of his room, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. Look out, world! he thought. Because here I come!

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Darkness from Within #4: Fading (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now