Daddy taught me to be a thermostat, not a thermometer. Set the temperature, don't just monitor what it is.

"Coffee?" Remi asked, rubbing his eyes with the base of his palm as he smelled the air.

I giggled at the way his nose crinkled like a bunny, then decided to take the opportunity to tease him a bit.  "Very astute, Remington. How did you ever guess?"

He rolled his eyes at me but smirked, corner of his mouth turning just enough so I saw the faintest hint of one dimple.

YES! Okay, that's progress... now I just need to keep going... I need to make sure he doesn't slip back into alcohol like he did in college so he can keep from self destructing, but otherwise I think he's gonna be okay...

After the kettle was ready and coffee brewed we sat at the table, half nibbling on leftover bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon. I tried to eat but couldn't do it, turning up my nose and sticking with water instead of anything else.

"You good, Liss?" Kenny asked, noticing the face I made after making another attempt at eating my food.

Shit... cover your tracks!

I took a deep breath and smiled, shrugging, "I just always get nauseous when... like... you get it..."

He nodded solemnly, "I do. Makes sense, so don't force anything. I'm glad you're staying hydrated. That's what they encouraged Leah to do during the first trimester when she had so much nausea, too."

"So when are you announcing?" I asked, eager to talk about anything but the fact that a coroner would be arriving any minute to retrieve Greg's body.

Kenny smiled, eyes warming and body relaxing as he looked between Remington and me before answering. "Oh, Lissy... you have no idea. We decided to wait for the social media post since we aren't online a lot, but we can tell Benji today. I know Leah even said we could mention it yesterday but didn't want to take any spotlight off Remi's birthday."

"Oh, no! That would have been so much fun, dude!" Remington objected, shaking his head at the notion. "I get what you mean, but I would not have minded at all."

He shrugged, "Well, still, she would love to make sure he knows even today. Maybe a little good news will help, ya know?"

"I think it will. It's helping me right now!" I smiled, sipping my water before asking, "So what happens now? I don't mean to be crass, but what do we need to do? I planned to take Remington back to my house as soon as possible."

Kenny sipped his coffee, setting down the cup before he answered, "Well, first things first. The coroner was sleeping and needed time to get to the office and all that so there will be a delay. Once he gets here then he'll take the body and get it to the morgue. I already pronounced him dead and have all the paperwork done since I was his Hospice nurse. Maybe in a bit we can call Doc and Jesse, let them know?"

I looked at my phone and yawned, noticing it was past four already. "Yeah, maybe at six? Think that would be good?"

The guys nodded and we started to chat about safer topics like how good the smoked salmon was and whether we could maybe try making bacon soon. I asked about smoking fruit like pineapple and Kenny's eyes lit up, hands rubbing together as he grinned. "I've never done it before but I am totally game. We can throw some pork in there, too, for barbecue. Maybe try some apples, too. Smoked apples are great for apple butter. Leah has an incredible recipe and this winter plans to do tons of canning."

"I've never canned a thing in my life but I need to learn! I'll have to ask her about that." I smiled and felt a bit lighter at the casual chatter.

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