94- Gabriel's slip up

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"Hey, he's just going through a rough time. You remember what puberty was like, don't you?" Hoseok asked softly, tenderly patting Taehyung's back as well. Yoongi joined in with trying to comfort Taehyung until he could calm down, but that was easier said than done. Taehyung's tears weren't letting up and they realized that the only person that could fix this would be Gabriel himself or Jungkook. "We should go talk to Gabriel. He needs to sincerely apologize to his dad," Yoongi announced as Hoseok nodded in agreement, grabbing Yoongi's hand. "We'll go retrieve him while you keep Taehyung there," Hoseok stated firmly, hastily walking towards the stairs.

When Yoongi and Hoseok approached Gabriel's room, they knocked softly for his privacy, only to hear Taehyung's name uttered hoarsely on the other side of the door. Hoseok glanced at Yoongi with wide eyes as Yoongi stared back at Hoseok with the same shocked expression. They were silent for several seconds as they stared at each other in a deep state of shock. "I- Is he m- masturbating to th- the thought of Tae?" Hoseok asked quietly as Yoongi shrugged with confusion. "Maybe that's why he so angrily addressed the fact that Tae isn't his father? So he c- can justify his attraction to him?" Yoongi reasoned quietly as they knocked louder this time, noticing silence on the other side of the door now.

After several moments, Gabriel answered the door and looked up at Hoseok and Yoongi's shocked faces. Gabriel immediately felt panic surge through him at their expressions, his hand tightening on the doorknob. "Wh- What?" Gabriel asked softly as Hoseok shook his head to clear his thoughts. "You. You need to talk to your father and apologize. We can't console him from how much those words hurt him," Hoseok explained nervously, averting his eyes as Gabriel pushed past them.

He was the first one down the stairs, immediately taking Taehyung from Jimin's grasp and trying to comfort him. "Daddy, please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you saying that," Gabriel assured urgently, cupping Taehyung's cheeks in his hands once again. Yoongi and Hoseok were making their way down the stairs when Gabriel suddenly pressed his lips to Taehyung's own. Taehyung immediately withdrew in shock, an audible and loud thud catching everyone's attention as Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok turned to see Jungkook standing in the doorway. Gabriel didn't seem the least bit startled by Jungkook's appearance as a mischievous smirk formed on his lips.

Taehyung was silent as he stared at Jungkook but never fully registered him standing there. "Room! Now," Jungkook yelled angrily, physically chasing Gabriel towards the stairs before turning his attention back towards Taehyung. Taehyung still sat in utter shock, staring at the ground as Jimin hastily backed out of Jungkook's path. The look of anger and possession on Jungkook's face was enough to have anybody running in the opposite direction as his path directed him straight to Taehyung. "Tae," Jungkook called firmly, shaking him lightly by the shoulders and out of his reverie. Taehyung glanced up at Jungkook, finally realizing he was there before more tears collected in his eyes.

Taehyung hastily bolted for the stairs, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment. Everyone had just seen Gabriel kiss him and Taehyung felt disgusted in himself so he was certain Jungkook felt equally as disgusted by him. Although Taehyung could hear the heavy footsteps behind him and hastened his pace, reaching their room, slamming the door, and locking it. Taehyung pressed his back against the door as Jungkook knocked aggressively on the door, trying to get Taehyung to open the door. Taehyung slid down the door, crying hysterically once again as he coughed harshly with each hyperventilated breath. "Tae! Baby! Please! Let me in the room! We can talk about this," Jungkook called desperately through the door as Taehyung's breathing and coughing ramped up Jungkook's desperation.

After several hours of banging on the door to try and get Taehyung to open it, Jungkook pressed his back to the door and slid to the floor. "I know what you're thinking, love. I don't view you or what happened with Gabriel as anything related to my past... You could never do those things," Jungkook assured softly, almost inaudible before he heard the doorknob turn. Although it wasn't the doorknob to their room at all, but Gabriel's room instead as they stated at each other from a distance. "Is daddy still upset?" Gabriel asked as Jungkook glared at Gabriel, standing hastily to his feet and storming towards him aggressively.

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