"Congratulations." She says to Callie and George.

"Thank you."

Bailey walks away.


Alex and Izzie sit down next to a guy in the waiting room. "Hey. You been waiting long?" Izzie asks.

"Almost an hour."

"Mmm." Izzie hums.

"Are you my doctor?" The man asks.

"I can be. We have a clinic right outside those doors. No wait."

"What's wrong with you?" Alex asks.

"It hurts when I pee."

"Oh!" Both Alex and Izzie exclaim.

"We can help with that." Alex says.

"Yeah, it's easy. It's nothing. We could have you outta here in less than an hour." Izzie adds on.

"Are you hitting on me?" The man asks.

"We need patients. You need doctors. And we just happen to be surgeons." Izzie says.

"You think I need surgery?" The man asks.

"You never know." Alex says.

"It's free. A free clinic." Evi says walking up to them.

"But my co-pays only ten bucks." The man says.

"That's lunch." Izzie says.

A woman coughs nearby. "Sounds like TB." Evi says.

"Yeah. Very contagious." Alex says.


George enters the clinic. "I need to lay down."

"No, no, no. Wait, hey. Buster, do you know how much it costs to have...these linens laundered?" Izzie scolds.

"I'm sick, shaky and sweaty. My mouth is dry, my body aches." George complains

"Fine." Izzie gives in.

"Uh, Karev, replace O'Malley in the OR." Baey instructs.

"Yes." He cheers.

"Stolen, non-emergent ER cases and a sick hospital staff. This is what eight million dollars buys you." Izzie says.

"Dr. Stevens, I swear on my life, if I hear you say eight million dollars one more time..." Bailey trails off.

"It's not about the money. It's...it's Denny...it's his legacy. It's...I was looking for meaning. This was supposed to be meaningful."

"It will be meaningful." Bailey says.

"Eight million dollars worth?" Izzie asks.

A man and his daughter enter. "Excuse me, are you doctors? Can I...? Are you the doctor?"

"Yes, we are." Bailey says.

"Are you a patient? Like an actual, free clinic patient?" Izzie asks.

"Not me, my daughter."

"So your daughter's sick." Evi says with a smile.

"I'm not sick. Can we please go?" Kelly asks.

"Kelly...finds...suddenly...that she has a need for-" he pulls out a box of tampons. "these products and uh, we were hoping that you might show her how to use them." He says.

"All yours." Evi whispers to Izzie. She then sneaks off tho watch Marina's surgery.


"What's going on?" Izzie asks.

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