93- He's More like You than You Know

Start from the beginning

Taehyung didn't understand what had come over Gabriel so suddenly until his hand traveled further down causing Taehyung to jump. "What do you think you're doing?" Taehyung asked sternly, only to earn an innocent smile and a nervous laugh. "Sorry, daddy. My hand slipped," Gabriel lied blatantly, smirking mischievously before darting back up the stairs. Although Taehyung couldn't be certain that Gabriel had smirked, he certainly wasn't stupid enough to believe that was an accident. Before Taehyung could move to ask or reprimand Gabriel about his actions, Annalise and Ezra both hugged Taehyung tightly and bolted back up the stairs to their tutors once more.


When Jungkook returned home that night, Taehyung was already preparing dinner. Taehyung hastily threw down the oven mitts and apron, rushing to give Jungkook a tight hug. "Welcome home, darling! How was work?" Taehyung asked cheerfully, grabbing Jungkook's briefcase from him and taking his suit jacket for him. Jungkook smiled pleasantly as he kissed Taehyung tenderly, kissing him once again before Taehyung pulled away slightly. "Little wandering eyes, love," Taehyung whispered playfully as Jungkook peeked around to see the children staring at them from the kitchen table. "They were finishing up their homework while I made dinner," Taehyung informed Jungkook, walking over towards the coat closet to hang up Jungkook's suit jacket.

Jungkook sighed softly as Taehyung walked over towards the coffee table and placed Jungkook's briefcase down for a moment. "What's wrong, darling?" Taehyung asked softly, walking back over towards the oven to place the honey seared ham inside. Jungkook walked over towards the table the kids were doing their homework at and kissed each one of them on the head. "Nothing major. Just tired from work and hoping to relax, that's all," Jungkook claimed, walking into the kitchen.

Gabriel watched intently as Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, holding him against his chest as he kissed him longer than normal. Taehyung almost seemed to forget where they were as he relished the way Gabriel's father kissed him, his face flushed as Jungkook placed his chin on Taehyung's shoulder. Although to Gabriel it looked as though Jungkook had buried his head in Taehyung's neck. Gabriel couldn't tell what they were doing from there, but he felt this agonizing emotion churn in his stomach as he hastily stood to his feet and stormed off.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung glanced up when they saw Gabriel leave the vicinity and both flinched when they heard his door slam. "What's gotten into him?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung shrugged slightly. "I honestly don't know, but maybe it's time you have a talk with him about you know what?" Taehyung suggested as Jungkook shoved both his hands into his pockets. "Ah, the sex talk. I wasn't prepared to have that conversation today," Jungkook trailed off as Taehyung rolled his eyes and kissed Jungkook's cheek. "While you may not be "prepared" for it, he is getting to that age. I'm certain he's stumbled across things by now that you need to address with him. Especially since he grabbed my ass this morning," Taehyung blurted out, covering his mouth and recoiling at his slip up. Taehyung wasn't trying to get Gabriel in trouble with Jungkook, especially when Jungkook hastily turned around with an unreadable expression and marched straight up the stairs.

Jungkook knocked on Gabriel's door softly before opening it, finding Gabriel laid out on his stomach on his bed with his feet in the air. "Hey, buddy," Jungkook greeted nervously as Gabriel glared at him. "What do you want?" Gabriel asked aggressively as Jungkook arched an eyebrow. If this was how he acted when he was younger, he wondered why nobody had smacked some sense into him sooner. "Your daddy tells me you did something today that made him uncomfortable," Jungkook explained calmly, taking a seat on the edge of Gabriel's bed. Gabriel rolled over on his side, turning his back to his father and hugging the body pillow he slept with. "I didn't mean to do it," Gabriel lied blatantly, although Jungkook wasn't aware Gabriel was lying. "My hand slipped. I told daddy that, but I guess he didn't believe me," Gabriel stated quietly, almost sounding as if he was hurt by the notion.

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