The Words Out

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Author Pov
Liv takes a shower then throws on and extremely baggy hoodie so it doesn't look like she is pregnant. She does her make up and puts her hair up in a messy bun. Then Liv and Gaege drive to the click office Mully is already there recording a vid for the boys channel. They arrive at the office and everyone says hello and asks what Gaege is doing there and he simply says "I miss the place."

I pull Gaege aside for a minute or two "Gaege when do we tell them?" "Ooo I have and idea why don't you put a positive pregnancy test in your bag. But so it's obvious and put your bag on the counter or something and just let people find out that way. " he says "Thats a good idea let's do that then." We had just finished setting the plan up and we walked into my office and watched some Netflix on my computer.

The boys and I had just finished a recording and I realised I was out of red bull. So I get up and head to the kitchen. I see a handbang sitting on the counter there was a pregnancy test inside. I pick it up and read it it says POSITIVE "Umm guys..." Tannar Ilsa and Lannan look up "who's bag is this?" I continue "It's livs why?" Tannar asks " Umm I found this pregnancy test in there." "Wait what?!" She says walking over to me this also brought Lannan and Ilsa's attention too as they all start walking towards me. "Look. That's positive right?" I ask showing them the test "Omg that's positive wait-" says Tannar "Wait hold on who's the father? Asks Lannan "*gasp* could it be juicy?" Says Ilsa "it might be why he's back." Says Mully "maybe. Ilsa Tannar why don't you go talk to Liv about it?" Says Lannan "Yeah alright" they say looking each other.

"I think they found it." Says Gaege "Baby I'm scared." I say worried look across my face "It's okay I'm here." He says as he brings me closer to himself I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. " I love you Liv." He says "I love you more Gaege." There was a knock on the door and then a voice "Liv you in there? It's Ilsa and Tannar can we come in?" Tannar says "Yeah come in." I say sitting up from Gaeges chest. Tannar and Ilsa walk in and sit on the opposite end of the couch. "How have you been?" Asks Ilsa "Fine you?" "Yeah all good." "Tannar and I have a question for you but I don't know if Gaege knows yet." Ilsa continues "Well I think I know what it's about so yes he does know. What's the question?" "Okay girl what the fuck is this?!" Tannar says a bit angry/annoyed showing Gaege and I the test "It's a pregnancy test why?" "Because it was in your fucking bag." She says. "Shit well you know now." I say they both look really confused "So your pregnant?" Asks Ilsa "Yeah." I say smiling "Yep I'm pregnant." Ilsa and Tannar's jaws just dropped "There's no fucking way?!" Says Ilsa both of them have their hands on their mouth at this point. "Who's the father? Asks Tannar Gaege and I smile we look at each other and back at the girls. "Gaege." I say Tannar and Ilsa didn't say anything for a few seconds. "How many week are you?" Tannar asks "I'm 17weeks." "Omg that's like 4 months." Says Ilsa "Yep." I say Gaege was just watching the situations didn't really say anything just laughed. "Who else knows?" Says Tannar "No one just us 4." "Are you going to tell them?" Asks Ilsa "Yeah planning on telling them today actually." I say "Actually Gaege why don't you go tell the boys now?" I say. "Good idea cya in a bit." He says walking out the door.

I walk out of Livs office and see Mully and Lannan sat on the couch talking "Juicy. Come here." Says mully. The couches are set up like
[is couch #is coffee table

Lannan and mully are on one couch so I sit on the other. "What's up?" I ask "Is Liv pregnant?" Asks Mully "Umm-" I hesitate to answer "-yeah why?" I finish "Few...wait what?!" Says Lannan raising his voice a little "I said yeah why?" I repeat "Hold on so Liv is pregnant?" Says mully confused "Yeah 17weeks." "Whos is it? Is it yours?" Asks Mully I nods and say "Yeah..." "Your going have a kid." Says Lannan laughing in disbelief "Crazy I know." I reply "When did I this happen?" Asks Lannan "Well you know that time we went out drinking it was You two Liv Ilsa and Josh." "Yeah." They say "Well I ended up going back to hers and apparently didn't use protection sooo... I got her pregnant. Accidentally though." "Oh my god. Congrats dude." Says Lannan giggling. "Yeah congrats. Big goosey going to have a baby." Just then the girls walk out of Livs office and Lannan and mully congratulate her and so does Tannar and Ilsa. "When are you announcing it to the fans and boys?" Asks mully "I don't know on a live stream or vid or something not sure yet." I reply.....

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