His Last Day In Aus

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I see Gaege walk out of livs office a scared worried look was across his face. I walk up to him "Gaege you alright?" I ask "Urr yeah I-I'm fine. Why?" "You just look worried." "Oh yeah Umm no everything's fine." He says "allllriiight." I say not convinced. As Gaege walks away "Hey isla." Tannar says walking up to me beer in one hand "Hey." I reply "What just happened between you two everything good?" She asks taking a sip of her beer "Kinda. He seems a little off don't ya think?" "Maybe a little." Tannar agrees "What do you thinks wrong?" She asks Just then the door to Liv's office opens. Liv walks out her eyes are all red and a little puffy. "Oh my god girl are you alright." Asks Tannar we all walk back into her office and sit down on the couch. "What happened? Was it Gaege? because I will beat him up if you want me to." I say trying to reassure her "No no I'm fine it's not Gaege's fault. But I don't want to talk about it right now." Says Liv "Are you sure because if you need us we're always here." I say "thanks guys." She says wiping her tears away. "I think I just need some alone time right now." She asks "okay then." Tannar says I agree and we walk off. "Shall we ask juicy what's wrong?" Asks Tannar "I don't know. Should we?" "Nah never mind." Says Tannar taking another mouthful of beer "Okay girl let's go enjoy this little party." I say we both woo and walk off.

Dear god Liv is fucking pregnant with my child I'm leaving to go back to Florida. What will the boys say and my mom think well she'll think it's great but still. I can't raise a child especially if we're on opposite sides of the world. Maybe I should stay. Never mind that's stupid. Am I even responsible enough to raise a kid I can barely take care of myself let alone another human being and a girlfriend. Assuming we would move in together But we're not even in a relationship and I'm sure she's into some other guy. I mean I like her and all it's just that ahh i don't know I'm not ready for a kid I guess.

Should I get an abortion should I tell somebody should I ask Gaege to stay. I have no idea what to do I mean I love the guy I really do but I'm sure he doesn't feel the same why would he? He's not even mature enough to look after himself how could he care for a child? We're just friends and this will mess up my life for anyone I want to date and what will the fans say all the rumours that will be made. What would everyone at click say and my family my sister my dad will definitely kill the man. Ugh why does It have to happen to me?

Australia (Gaege Gibson X Liv Bev)Where stories live. Discover now