They left me. Great.

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I ran through the airport, desperately trying to make it on before the plane left.
Now, you may be asking exactly how I am this late, well, its simple. Instead of picking me up, the class simply decided I could find my own transportation at five o'clock in tge morning. I had reserved a bus specifically for this, to where it would be able to pick everyone up. But somehow, despite Chloe, Nathaniel, Marc, Luka, and Kagami's protests, the rest of the class had somehow managed to convince both the teacher and the bus driver that I had a different mode of transportation.
Thankfully, I had Kaalki on me, so I made a portal a few blocks away from the airport, and now I was full on sprinting to the plane, holding my carry on bag, a backpack, two large suitcases, and one small one. They had all of my outfits, some of the others outfits I made, and my sewing supplies, sketch books, and even an expansive camera. My throat already hurt, but now it was currently scorching from running and breathing hard.
I was jittery as I was going through airport security, something the inspectors noticed, and they started taking their time looking through all of my stuff.
Finally, I shoved my ticket at one of them exclaiming with a raspy voice, "Can you please hurry up?! I'm going to miss my flight soon, and Im the class president!"
That seemed to snap some sense into them because on of them snatched it out of my hand, and their eyes widened once they saw what it said.
Suddenly, they were the one figiting nervously.
"What?" I asked quietly.
The woman holding my ticket bit her lip, not meeting my eyes. Seemingly coming to a conclusion, she sighed and looked at me with pity.
"Sweetheart, Im sorry, but your flight already left."
I gaped at her for a few seconds before clenching my hands, exhaling harshly. Attempting to contain my anger, I spoke softly. "Is there any other flights I can take?"
She spoke to some others for a few minutes before walking back to me. "Im sorry, all the flights are full. I can put you on standby though."
I gritted my teeth and smiled tensely at her. "That would be fine, thank you, but can you finish checking my bag please?"
She nodded, the pity still in her eyes, and now others too.
They finished checking my bag and I went and sat on a bench, fishing out my phone from my bag.
Turning it on, I saw I had over four dozenmissed calls and texts.
I clenched my teeth excruciatingly hard, attempting to keep the tears from spilling over.
I pressed on Chloes texts since she had the most and all of them were basically said the same thing.
The class convinced the teacher to leave without you, the plane is leaving without you, etc, etc.
I subtly opened my purse and spoke in a whisper, "What do I do Tikki? How do I get to New York now?"
She stayed ailent for a moment before saying excitedly, "Marinette, ask Tony Stark. I mean, you are the class president and the one who has been communicating with him this whole time. And he's rich, so I'm sure he can get a plane for you, even at this short of a notice."
And so thats what I did. I emailed Tony Stark and told him what had happened, and he promptly emailed his personal number to me. Thankfully, he spoke french so I could understand him.
"Alright kid, so heres the deal. I dont have a plane in france right now." Even from the phone, I could hear his apologetic tone.
Trying to stay bright, I told him, "Oh, okay. Then dont worry about it. You'll just need to email my teacher the details of the trip and-"
He cut me off, "Wait a minute, are you saying youre teacher doesnt kbow the plans for the trip?" He asked incredulously.
"Well, no, she doesn't, only my friends know a little bit about it, but not really much." I bit my lip nervously, as he had gone silent for a few seconds before shouting, "FRIDAY!"
The sounds of him speaking were muffled, as if he had forgotten about the call.
I patiently waited for him to finish what he was doing before he picked up the phone out of breath.
"Alright kid, so you are absolutely coming here, in what will be the coolest way ever. I currently have two suits coming for you. One will be a suit for you to fly in, and the other will be holding all of your stuff. So what I need you to do is go outside and wait for five minutes while it comes to you. The suit will connect with your phone, thanks to Friday, my A.I., and you just need to tell her what you want to send and to who and she will do it. Do you understand?"
I barely managed to stutter out a yes before he instucted me to where I needed to go.
Mind racing and hands trembling, I gathered my stuff and walked outside the airport, waiting in a not so busy area.
I quickly texted my parents on what was happening, and although a bit reluctant, they agreed that this would be the only logical way I would be able to go to New York. And after my argument that I have done much more dangerous things than this on a daily basis, they were sold, though they still didnt really like it.
I had just hung up when two little packages landed in front of me. Calling Tony again, he instucted me on what to do with them.
Pressing the larger one's button, it unfolded into a large rocket shaped capsule, floating in midair.
Biting my bottom lip, knowing the people around me were gawking and taking pictures, I quickly stuffed mt stuff into it.
"Alright, now, turn on your phones bluetooth, and then put it with your other stuff." I hesitantly put my phone in my purse, looking at Tikki and Kaalki eith wide eyes, even as they both nodded and smiled at me in encouragement.
"Now, press the other ones button, and turn your back to it."
Going against all of my instincts, I complied. I felt it press against the middle of my back and spread out, similar to the way my suit covered me, but not exactly.
My vision turned black for a moment as it covered my face before turning on.
"Hello Miss Dupain-Cheng. My name is Friday. Please prepare yourself as we are about to take off."
"Alright Friday, Im ready," I rasped out.
I felt a slight jump as I looked through the mask and saw we were going very high up very quickly.
"Friday, how exactly are we flying?" I asked raspily, part of it from panic.
"There are both thrusters on you feet and on your back. Also on your hands too, those are for steering, but as we have a clear destination in mind, along with I am controlling the suit, there is no real reason why we would need the hand thrusters."
I was about to speak before I heard Tony's voice.
"What happened to your voice? I heard your voice in the video you sent me, and it didnt sound like that."
I stiffened at his question, something Friday picked up on and told him, "Sir, her heart rate has sped up exponentially. Would you like me to run a physical diagnosis?"
I squeeked out a pathetic protest but he had already confirmed it.
In the mask I saw a blue holographic image of me, with a red line going from my feet up.
I watched as it passed over my whole body and Friday spoke. "Sir, she has bruises and puncture marks on her throat. It seems as though someone put their hands on her, and that person had sharp enough nails to go almost a centimeter deep in some places. From the span of the bruises it seems as if the assailant was a male."
There was no response as I held my breath, waiting for his response.
When it finally came, I suddenly wished it was with any other tone than his deathly cold and calm voice.
"You I'll tell me what happened, who did it, and why I am not able to find anything in police reports."
I cringed as I spoke softly to avoid stressing my throat too much. "It happened... last night. But dont worry, the person who did it will be taken care of soon."
"Who did it?" He said in a firm voice.
"You know, it doesnt really matter-"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Who did it?"
I cringed even more. "Chat Noir?"
He exploded immediately. "The hero?! How? Why?"
"Yes, it was the hero, if you want to call him that," I muttered the last part.  "He stopped by and came into my room via the balcony. He has come over fairly often and has ate dinner with my parents and I, but recently he hadnt come over for a while. I dont know what happened, nor why it happened." I flinched slightly at my lie.
"Marinette, all signs are saying you lied at that last sentence. What is the real reason?" Tonys face appeared to the right of the mask, staring straight at me.
"He... He threatened my family and friends, for one of his friends, Lila. I know who he is out of civillian form, and honestly, it makes sense. But dont even ask me who it is, because Im not saying."
Holographic Tony frowned. "Kid, I need to know who it is so I can turn him into the proper authority's."
"The proper authority's are dealing with it. I contacted Ladybug after he 'visited' me last night, and we both agreed it was overdue to take his miraculous from him. He is an incompetent holder." I sneered at that. "Im sure he is using his 'master' rank on Plagg."
I heard his confused tone as he spoke. "Wait a minute, what are these miraculous and who in the world is 'Plagg'?"
I sighed, and for the first hour I explained what and who the superheroes were, and how they became superheroes, careful not to give away my identity.
Once Tony was caught up, I took the rest of the half hour to messege the others that I had found a different way of getting there, and I would actually be there before them.
They all wanted to know what had happened, but I refused to tell them and that I hadnt taken the 'horse' to New York.
By the time I was passing over New York City, Tony had called again, telling me I was going straight to Stark Towers so I could be inspected by a trusted doctor of theirs.
When I landed, I had automatically landed in a crouch, just like I did when I was Ladybug. Standing up, I felt the suit retract, leaving me out in the open on the Stark balcony.
Standing in front of me was none other than the Tony Stark.
"Nice to officially meet you sir, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Yay, thats a whole chapter done in a day. I really hope you like this so far. Origanally Marinette wasnt going to miss the plane, but then I was thinking, 'What would happen if she did?' So then thats what I started writing, before I thought, 'If she cant get on a later flight, what would happen then?' So then I deleted all that and wrote about if Tony had her riding in his private jet. And then I wondered, 'What if he doesnt have a private jet in Paris, or even France?' And then duh, the realization hit me like Hulks punch, HE IS IRON MAN. So this is the result. Have a nice night and bug out!🐞🐞🐞
Again, none of the pictures are mine. I found them all on either Pinterest or Google. That is all and thank you.
Sorry, but you should also check out the book "STORIES BY OTHER WRITERS" by TheBlac11406426
That collection of books is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. All those little stories is absolutely amazing. I recommend you read them as a few parts have inspired some of the parts I will be writing.
Inspired, not stolen.
Remember, check it out please.

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