90- Sweet Serenity

Start from the beginning

At the end of that floor, stood another door for another beautifully decorated bedroom. Taehyung felt struck as Jungkook pulled him back down the stairs and down into the foyer and down those steps. "It's so spacious," Taehyung commented incredulously, noticing the room on the left at the far end of the hallway had a pool table visible through the crack of the open door. "Why'd we get such a spacious cabin for the two of us?" Taehyung asked as he turned toward Jungkook, who tenderly planted a kiss on the tip of Taehyung's nose. "It was one of the only ones they had available for this time of year," Jungkook explained firmly, shrugging as Taehyung walked over towards the billiards room.

Once inside the room, Taehyung noticed that they were on the ground level of the cabin now. The part that had been built into the side of the mountain as he opened the glass back sliding door. There he noticed a hot tub off to his right and the beautiful view of the mountains greeted him yet again. "So we can relax in the hot tub and stare out at the view?" Taehyung asked amazed as Jungkook walked up behind him once again. "It would seem that way. Are you happy with the cabin we rented?" Jungkook asked softly, shoving both his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat. "It's enough to keep us entertained without us ever having to leave," Jungkook commented shyly, averting his eyes as Taehyung realized Jungkook had rented this cabin more for the sake of his health than it being the only one available. As he'd so claimed earlier.

Taehyung turned toward Jungkook with a gentle and warm look in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck. He pressed his lips tenderly against Jungkook's at first, tilting his head and kissing Jungkook with more fervor the longer the kiss lasted. Taehyung pulled away from the kiss to gaze up at Jungkook, only to be met with the dark, lust filled eyes of Jungkook. Although, Taehyung noticed there was something off about the way Jungkook gazed back at him. It wasn't only lust evident in his gaze, there was definitely something else swirled within those dark eyes. Maybe guilt?

Taehyung couldn't be sure what it was honestly as Taehyung kissed Jungkook softly yet again. "Which room shall we claim as ours?" Taehyung asked softly, kissing Jungkook's lips yet again. Taehyung could see that other emotion Jungkook was trying to keep buried slowly ebbing away with each sweet and tender kiss. "We have plenty of rooms to choose from," Taehyung commented playfully, kissing Jungkook once more. Jungkook chuckled throatily at Taehyung's attempt to cheer him up, Jungkook's hands resting on Taehyung's hips as that emotion completely ebbed away now. "How about you take me to bed and whatever room you choose is the one we'll sleep in later," Taehyung whispered sultrily, earning a hard swallow from Jungkook. Taehyung noticed that emotion was back to mixing with Jungkook's desires immediately after he'd said that.

Taehyung sighed softly as he stepped away from Jungkook. "Darling, it's our honeymoon. Don't hold back on my account. I'll be fine as long as I get plenty of rest. I'm not a complete invalid, you know?" Taehyung grumbled under his breath, brushing past Jungkook to stalk off in a huff. Although Taehyung was halted in his tracks completely, yanked into Jungkook's strong arms and whirled around for Jungkook to kiss him passionately in one fluid motion. Taehyung held onto Jungkook for dear life as he melted into the kiss, his knees giving out on him. Jungkook was quick to hold Taehyung flush against him to keep him from falling. "I know you're not an invalid, my love. I just want to ensure your recovering rather than exerting yourself," Jungkook whispered lustfully against Taehyung's lips, finally releasing the elder as soon as he made sure Taehyung could stand on his own again.

Taehyung flushed lightly as he scurried from Jungkook yet again, this time more out of embarrassment. Jungkook laughed softly to himself as he followed after Taehyung, watching while Taehyung picked the room closest to the bathroom and kitchen. "There. We have our room now," Taehyung announced firmly, wheeling his luggage into the room. Jungkook perched himself on the side of the bed and glanced over at Taehyung. "Why'd you pick this room, my love?" Jungkook asked curiously as Taehyung smiled with satisfaction that Jungkook had asked. "Well, we're close to the kitchen if we want a late night snack and we're close to the bathroom if we have to get up late at night," Taehyung explained with dignity, proud of himself for his choice. Jungkook stifled a laugh as he admired his husband, a man that he could finally and fully call his. Jungkook honestly had no idea what god he'd been praying to for him to have met such a wonderful man.

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