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A month later

Katsuki stood in the tent trying to think of any place that Izuku could be. For a month he had went into the city to find him. There was one spot that he hadn't looked at yet, his old school. Katsuki again packed a bag with anything he could need and exited the tent. "Again?" He heard come from behind him.

"I have to find him." Katsuki said never turning around. He knew who the person was it was Hana. Over the past month him and Hana had grown close almost a father/daughter relationship.

"Let me come this time." She said in almost a whisper knowing the answer before the sentence left her mouth.

"Your not going in the city again." He said turning his head slightly, "Not after last time."

She just sighed knowing she couldn't change him mind. Instead she walked up behind him and hugged him from the back. He dropped the bag he held in his hand and placed both his hands over hers. "Please be careful." She whispers.

"I always am." He says letting her go. He turns to face her and traces her jaw line, "Now go find Haruto and Haru. You need to get warm."

"Thank you." She said as she laid into his hand.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For coming for me. For taking care of Haru and making sure Haruto was ok." She answered.

"Don't mention it," He turned to walk away, "Ever." With that he walked up to a dull red car and threw his bags inside. "Take care of my son." He then climbed inside and left.

A few hours later he arrived at his old school. A place he never thought he would go again. He ran his finger through his hair and sighed. He took in a breath before opening the door. "Let's do this." He pep-talked himself.

He walked up to the crumbled gate and came upon the famous UA sign that use to be hope but now if just rubble. Stepping through the old doors everything was quiet. No one had been here for years but he knew if Izuku was there then he knew where to find him. Katsuki made his way up to his old class room. He reached the monsterious door that read class 1-A.

Stepping through he saw a small little camp set up in it. In the room was the necessary living items, a small fire and a small make shift tent in it. The tent was made of sheets that hung over a rope.  Katsuki prayed that this was Izuku's camp. He walked up to the sheet as his heart pounded in his chest.

He pulled the sheet back to reveal a sleeping Izuku. He slept peacefully l, or as peacefully as someone could on a cold night. Winter has now hit making everyone buckle down to stay warm. Katsuki let out a sigh of relief as he had finally found him.

He carefully picked up the sleeping man and made his way back to the car. He placed him in the passenger seat. After getting the man he walked back into the small camp. He picked up Izuku famous yellow backpack and everything else that looked like it would be important and made his way back to the car.

Katsuki reached the car again and placed everything in the back seat. He climbed into the driver's seat and started the car back up and headed back to camp. Due to the lack of gas and everything Katsuki wasn't able to turn on the heater or anything so he placed his arm over the sleeping man in the passenger seat. Instantly Izuku cuddled up to him as his green hair tickled along Katsuki's arm. He knew it would take the former hero some time to get use to the new life but he hoped that Izuku would accept it.

After arriving back to camp Katsuki stepped out of the car as a crowd started to circle them. Keigo, Haruto, and Hana in the front. He opened the door to see Izuku slowly waking up. He looked around sleeply before shooting up in a unknown place.

"Deku calm down." Katsuki said slowly trying not to scare him more then he already was.

"Where am i?" He asked frantic, "My stuff! I need my stuff!"

"Deku I have it." Katsuki replied.

Izuku looked up at the blonde and tears formed in his face. "Why?" He stepped out of the car, "Why me."

"What do you mean?" Katsuki asked confused.

"Why me?" He asked once again, "Why come after me?"

"Because it was always you!" Katsuki screamed never noticing the small explosions coming from his hands, "You where always the one I was after!"

"You left me!" Izuku shot back to him.

"I never left!" Katsuki getting frustrated and pulled at his hair, "I never fucking left! We was seperated and I looked for you for eighteen god damn years!"

Izuku was taken back at this information. Eighteen years? "Why so long?" He asked lowly.

"Because I'm in love with you damn nerd!" He answered, "I've loved you sense we were kids! I've never given up on you! I was your biggest fan!"

Izuku dropped down on his knees in tears. His hands covering his face. Katsuki instantly dropped down with him to comfort him. He pulled the greenette to him and hugged him tightly. Katsuki softly petted his head trying to calm him down. Of course he knew he shouldn't have yelled but couldn't help himself as that was part of his personality.

"Please stop crying." Katsuki whispered softly as his fingers ran through the matted hair.

Izuku nodded and slowly his cried went to soft sniffles. Katsuki again picked him up and carried him towards his orange tent. He easily laid him on the cot and made the man promise he wouldn't leave while Katsuki retreated his things from the car. Izuku agreed and Katsuki left the tent. He came back to see Izuku still there.

Katsuki dropped the few things on the floor and picked Izuku up once again and first laid himself on the cot then Izuku on top of him. Again he ran his fingers through the green hair and softly scratched his scalp. He knew that izuku slept like this and before to long izuku fell back asleep. Katsuki looked down as he heard soft snores and whispered, "I won't let you go again."

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