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After talking with everyone Haruto walked over to Hana who stood there watching Haru play in the dirt. He placed his hand on the small of her back and again tingles ran through her body. "You know you don't have to watch him all the time. He is safe here." He spoke softly.

"It's habit." She says looking up at the man. She struggled to look at him as the sun shown in her eyes. He easily lifts up he good wing and blocked the sun from her eyes. "We have been on our own for about a year now. So I can't help but stay watching him."

"We'll you have my word that Tsu is great with all the kids and she never let's them wonder far." Haruto said as he rubbed her arm.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

"For what?" He asked.

She turned around and watched her brother, "For everything. Thanks to you my brother is safe and I am also. I could never thank you enough." Haruto lowered his wing and walked closer to her and placed his hand on her back once again.

"It's what heros do right?" Haruto chuckled. She just nodded as she couldn't form words.

After playing for what seemed like hours Haru came back to the two adults talking. He tugged on his sisters shirt. "What is it little hero?" Haruto asked as Hana placed her left hand on his head.

"I'm hungry." He said quietly.

"We'll let's go eat!" Haruto said standing up. He groaned in pain as he put pressure on his busted up leg. Hana quickly went to go help him. "I got it." Haruto said trying to do it alone.

"Just come here." Hana smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist when she held her brother hand with the other.

The three made their way to where food was at and Hana made the two boys sit on a near by bench.

Hana was the one to go get the food for the three of them. Being served was deer, baked beans from the run, and some vegetables grown at the camp. She got enough for the three of them and made her way back to the table. What she saw made her heart melt.

There on the bench was Haruto showing Haru how to tie a knot. Something so simple shouldn't have made her breath hitch like it did but when your on you own with your three year old brother for a year the simple interactions are the sweetest.  He made her way over and sat on the opposite side of the table from the boys. She passed out the three plates of food and they began eating, with water to drink.

After eating night had come and it was time for them to get some rest. They made their was to the tent that was now their home. Putting the brother to bed, he had went to sleep fast. On the other hand the two adults couldn't sleep.

Haruto faced away from her as he laid down on the blanket. She faced the cot, the same positions they was in the night before. She felt as he rant his feathers up and down her back in a soothing motion. He was trying to help her sleep.

She turned over as many thoughts ran through her head. She wanted to say so much but couldn't utter out a word. So instead she did something she knew would get his attention.

She touched his feathers.

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