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The two sat there on the ground for a few minutes before Katsuki walked out. He never was one for sappy stuff. When Katsuki left Hana quickly looked up at the man she had grown comfortable with. She couldn't believe what had happened to her and without thinking she slapped his chest, "That's for scaring me."

"I'm sorry baby bird." He chuckled, "I had to piss and wasn't going to wake you up. Where is little hero at?"

She looked at him confused and then realized he was talking about her brother. "Keigo and Touya kept him last night. I think they knew I was going to stay here with you."

"You didn't have to," He ran a hand through her hair, "This isn't the first time it happened."

She looked at him shocked with wide eyes. It has happened before? She couldn't believe the words leaving the man's mouth. Before the two could say any more the woman who dealt with the cloths walked in.

She walked in was a wide smile but the moment she seen Hana in the makeshift room her smile went to a scowl. "I brought you some cloths," she whispered in his ear, "Maybe I can help you change." She then niddled on his ear.

Haruto grabbed the cloths from her hands and backed away from her. A disgusting look on his face. He hobbled over to the cot where Hana sat and stood beside her. Before she could do anything more she stomped out of the room. "Ugh that woman gives me the creeps." He says as a shiver goes down his spine.

He moved all his feathers off his wings where only his nubs stayed on his back and slid the shirt off of himself. Hana gasped at what she saw. His body was littered with scars. There wasn't a place on his body that didn't have a mark from a fight. She stood from the bed and walked up to his back and carefully traced the one scar that went from his left shoulder down to his right hip.

"I was just a kid," He said knowing what scar she was looking at, "The league got me and my father's wasn't able to get to me in time." 

After that the two stayed quiet as she lightly traced more scars. Usually he didn't want people to see him like this but it was different with her. With her he felt like he didn't have to hide himself. After tracing the ones on his back she walked to the front of him and did the same thing along his chest.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered.

"Don't be," He pulled the gray t-shirt over his head, "Each is a battle I've won. Memories."

She helped him slide the shirt over himself and pulled it down in the back as his arm was still bruised badly. He groaned in pain at each movement he made. "Damn the blonde took a tole on me this time." He chuckled.

She looked at the stub on the back of the blonde man and saw how it was a dark purple instead of its usual red. "Is this how she got you?" Hana asked lightly going over it.

"Yea," He answered trying to hide the pain, "She came up behind me."

"I should have been there." Hana whispered.

"I'm glad you wasn't." He turned to look at her.

He moved all his feathers back onto his body and his wings quickly became back to his normal wings instead of stubs. He went to unbutton his pants and Hana let out a small squeak and turned around. He chuckled and slid off the bloody pants and pulled on the black sweat pants. He this pulled on his shoes after wiping the dirt off his feet.

"I'm done baby bird." He says and she turns around.

She blushed as she turned around and she was met with his chest. Before more could be said or done Keigo walked in with Haru following. He ran up to his sister and hugged her legs tight. "Hey bud." She smiled ruffling his hair.

"Good to see your doing good kid." Keigo walked to his son and they fist bumped.

"She can't kill me that easy dad." He smiled, "So when is our next run?"

"Oh no," Keigo says, "No runs for you for a while."

Haruto couldn't argues he understood where his father was coming from. Hell he couldn't walk without having to hobble. After a while of talking the four walked out of the room while Keigo help Haruto and Hana held her brother's hand. They walked out of the hospital tent and out to where everyone else was. The crowd cheered when they seen Haruto and Haruto laughed at this. He raises his arm in the aint throwing a fist up. Showing he can't be taken down so easy.

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