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Pregnant was all she thought for a week. Pregnant. With Haruto's child. Many questions ran through her mind as she had tried to process the information. Questions such as would he be happy? Would he want to be in the babies life? Most importantly would she still be able to have the relationship with him?

She was pulled from her thoughts when the door opened. In walked Jiro and Shoto. Jiro carried a plate of food while Shoto walked behind her. She sat the food down and it was some pizza. "Eat up." She said stepping back.

"The boss needs you to eat. He needs that baby strong." He spoke coldly.

"He isn't taking my baby." Hana held her stomach trying to protect her unborn child.

"You have no choice in the matter," Jiro spoke up, "Your only alive right now for the soul fact that you carry this baby. Once its born your dead." Her words sent shivers down Hana's spine.


Haruto woke up with Haru still sleeping on his chest. He moved off the cot and placed the sleeping boy back on it. He wasn't going to lie what had happened last night had him scared. He was worried about hurting Haru. He opened the tent and the morning cold air hit hard against his skin. He heard a small groan and turned to see Haru wrap tighter into his blanket. Haruto sent feathers to the bottom of the cot again to keep the child warm.

He walked out still in his sweet pants from last night and out into the camp. He walked past a tent but who he heard made him stop in his tracks. His father's.

"Any leads yet?" He heard Katsuki ask.

"We haven't had any in years."Keigo responded, "Why are we still looking?"

"Because I know he is still alive Keigo." Katsuki hissed.

Haruto couldn't help himself as his interest had been peeked. He walks into the tent gathering attention from both men. "Who?" He asked.

Katsuki didn't respond instead he just looked down at the ground, his heart slightly breaking. Keigo walked over to him and patted him on the back before looking at their son, "Someone who was dear to your father."

"Why haven't you ever told me?" Haruto asked, "I can help look."

"Not this time kid." Katsuki said still looking down, "This isn't your battle."

"But I can help." Haruto fought back.

"I said no!" Katsuki screamed walking up to his son, "You have your damn girl to fucking worry about! Go worry about the bitch!"

Haruto didn't have any words to say to his father so instead stormed out of the tent. "You just had to do that didn't you?" Keigo asked Katsuki before taking off after his son.

Keigo was able to find Haruto in the woods punching a tree. Anger flowing through him. "Haruto." Keigo walked up, "Ignore him you know as well as I do that he is a ass."

"He called her a bitch!" Haruto screamed, "She isn't a god damn bitch!" He felt his body temperature raise again like it had done last night and quickly tried to calm down, not wanting another scene like the night before.

"Oh Haruto." He heard.

Keigo and Haruto look up in the trees to see none other then Toga. "What do you want!" Keigo asked as both males went into defense mode.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Haruto screamed flapping up towards the branch she rested on.

"I wouldn't if I was you if you want your bun and Hana to live." She smirked making Haruto stop in his tracks.

"My bun?" He asked confused, "What bun?"

"Oh you don't know," She sat on the branch and clapped her hands while swinging her legs, "Maybe I should just grab a coat hanger and finish it off since you didn't know. So that way there is nothing to worry about."

Keigo gasped, "Haruto! A baby!"

"A baby?" Haruto questions then it hits him. "I swear to God bitch if you hurt a hair on her or it!" He instantly went into defense.

"We'll that's my time." She smiled before disappearing as easily as she came.

Haruto landed on the ground dazed by the news. A baby. Hana's baby. His baby. "Dad we have to get her." Haruto panics.

"We have to come up with a plan first." Keigo tried to reason with him.

"No plan." Haruto quickly said, "No plan we just have to get her now!"

Katsuki walked up not knowing what was going on. "Haruto I'm sorry." He grumbled out before looking up at the two. Shocked expressions on both there faces. "What?" Katsuki asked confused.

Haruto mumbled out, "Hana is pregnant."

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