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"We are taking action now!" Haruto screamed at the group of men that stood in the tent.

"I understand how your feeling kid," Keigo piped in, "But we have to think. We are going against Shoto here."

"Wait Shoto?" Touya said.

"Yes your damn brother." Katsuki answered.

"I don't care who it is we have to get her!" Haruto remarks.

After hearing the news about to unborn child Haruto couldn't help himself as he went over protective on getting Hana back. At that point nothing mattered to him other then getting her. He had to protect her and the child she now carries.

"We have to have a plan." Keigo said sternly to his son, "And we also have to worry about not only Hana but Haru also."

"Tsu can watch him we are getting Hana back today." Haruto hissed.

"Why now is it such a big deal?" One of the men that stayed at camp asked, "We have gone a week without her."

"Because she carries my child asshole!" Haruto grabbed the man by the collar and pushes him against the wall on the tent.

"Haruto let him go." Touya said walking up to the boy.

"If this asshole is going to question every god damn thing he can fucking die." Haruto screamed.

Touya quickly jumps onto the enraged eighteen tear old putting him in a head lock and pulling him off the man. "Let me go!" Haruto screamed trying to fight away from the man.

"I think I wont." Touya smirked standing up.

He pulls Haruto out of the tent and outside. He tosses him on the ground as everyone follows them. "I don't care what plan is came up with," Haruto spits on the ground, "We are getting her today." He then walks away to try and calm his nerves.

How could they just push him away when it was his girl and his child on the line? If it was any of them they would be the same way. Haruto stormed into his tent to see Haru waking up. "Hey bud." Haruto spoke softly trying not to show that he was on edge.

"Is Hana home yet?" The young boy ask like he does every morning.

"Not yet bud but we are getting her home by tonight." Haruto smiled at him.

the whole day everyone came up with many plans but Katsuki came up with one of the best. To attack at night and in waves. Of course they wouldn't be able to get the complete jump on them but they assumed that taking out a few men wouldn't be that difficult until they got to the main part of where the villains stayed. their only issue being they don't know where their camp is. They assumed it was in the city somewhere so Haruto sent some men out to look for the camp before night falls. 

When the van comes back into the camp Haruto was the first one to rush to them needing the news on what was found. Instead of bringing back the information they needed The men brought back a guy. his hair a matted purple with dark underlined purple eyes. The man looks like he had never gotten any kind of sleep.

"Who are you?" Haruto asked.

"Shinso?" Katsuki asked walking up to them.

"Bakugo." The man replied.

"Wait you two know each other?" Haruto asked confused.

"Went to school together." The purple haired man answered.

"Wait your quirk could actually help us with something." Katsuki said walking up to him, "We need you to brain wash a villain."

"Why?" The man questioned.

"Don't ask just fucking do it!" Haruto screamed.

"Haruto!" Keigo yelled, "Go to Haru so we can talk. Your not thinking right at the moment."

"Your kid?" Shinso asked with a chuckle looking at Katsuki.

Katsuki groaned, "Yea the brat is mine."

"Can you do this though," Keigo asked looking at the purple haired man, "It's very important."

"I can," He let out a sigh, "But all the villains are ready to fight from what I heard. It won't be easy to nab one."

"We enjoy a challenge." Katsuki let out his signature grin before everyone pulled back into the van. Back to the city they go.

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