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Toga walks up to him quickly with another knife ready to stab. He uses all the energy he had to swing his leg among the ground making her fall. She fell on her ass and he took this as a chance. He grabbed the bag of food and made his way out of the store. He screams for help from his family, "Dads!"

Toga came walking out behind him," Trying to leave already? But we just got started!" She pouts like a child.

"I can't fly with one wing," Haruto says frustrated at the situation, "But I can fight with one!"

He swings his wing around sending feathers flying everywhere. Explosions were set off by them making smoke cover the road. Katsuki and Keigo took this as a chance to rescue their son. The two took of into the smoke.

Once the reached him they quickly pick him up. "The bag," Haruto responded weakly, "Get the bag." Katsuki carried his son as Keigo grabbed the duffle bag laying in the road.

Back at camp

Hana woke up to a empty pallette. Of course she was sad Haruto wasn't there, especially after what had happened last night. She turned over and her body went white. She quickly bolted up and ran out of the tent. "HARU!" She screamed searching the camp for him, "Haru where are you!" She ran up to the top of the hill and instantly calms as she sees him playing with the other kids.

She forgets that she and her brother are now in a safe place. "You must be Hana." A woman walks up. Her long green hair tied in a bun with a small bit of her tongue hanging out.

"I am I'm Haru's sister." She smiled at the woman.

"I'm Tsuyu but everyone calls me Froppy." She smiled back.

The two stood there and talked for a while but after about a hour of talking the old van pulled up. Keigo and Katsuki jumped out screaming for help. They open the back doors and Haruto laid in the back. Busted up and bleeding severely.

"I can help him!" Hana screamed through the crown of people who had formed around the van. She pushed her way through and crawled into the van.

She places her hands on his body and activated her quirk. Her hands glowed green as her quirk started working. Instantly his body started to heal. Of course she could help heal his body but it won't help with the pain.

"Please don't die." She begged as she watched the wounds close up, "Please."

As she healed him she watched for any sign of him being alive. The only sign she noticed was his slow breathing. Her panic went down some but not much. Worried that she may have been to late.

When everything was healed up she turns to look at his father's, "I healed his wounds but he needs to be put in a hospital or something."

Katsuki picked up his son and carried him to their make shift hospital they had. "What is your quirk?" Keigo asked.

"Cell activation." She answers. "It's not great for hero work but it helps sometimes."

"That's just what we needed!" Keigo grabbed her by her arms, "Work at the hospital please." He was practically begging her. She nodded her head agreeing to do it.

After everything calmed down she made her way to the hospital with Keigo's help. She went into the area Haruto was at and he was still out. His breathing picked up back to normal which was a good sign. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when she seen him. He still had bruises covering his body from where he was stabbed, those would have to go away with time.

She sat in a chair that was beside him and grabbed his hand. "Please wake up," She whispered, "Your the only one I trust at the moment." After a while of sitting there she looks around to see if anyone was near. there wasn't so she decided to talk of her past, "My parents died right in front of me. There was a man with blue hair and a hand over his face. He had tried forcing my parents to join and when they didn't he had gotten mad. He took his gloves off and placed his hands over their faces. Haru was just two years old at the time so he doesn't remember it but I do. I remember it as if it happened yesterday." At this point tears were coming down her face. "You are the first person since that happened to help me. Please I can't lose you too."

She laid her head down on his arm and let out all of her emotions. Everything that she had been holding in since that day came out that night.

As Haruto came to, in and out kind of like a fog, all he could remember was his sweet little birds voice and her trama, she cried for what he felt like was an eternity. He was trapped in purgatory listening to her bare her soul and felt every tear as it hit his hand, but he just couldn't open his eyes, he was chained down, unable to move, unable to wake himself. It was torture. Then the crying stopped and peace came, before he knew it he was starting to see a little light, able to open his eyes just enough to know he was in the hospital tent. He looked over to see his father Keigo, as soon as his father noticed the movement he rushed over and whispered to him

"shhh, she's finally asleep, she watched over you all night. Let her rest. You do the same" he said petting his sons hair and walking out and tying the makeshift door closed.

Hours went by and he was slowly able to move more but it hurt like a bitch. He was finally able to roll to his side so that he could face Hana, careful not to wake her, he picked up one of his feathers and started to draw it from her shoulder, up her neck to her ear and down again. He did this for what felt like hours while silently watching her sleep, her poor eyes still swollen from crying. He quietly slips off the cot and makes his way over to the bathroom trying to not wake her.

Hana's eyes start to flutter open and she takes a second to realize where she was and then she shoots up in a panic. He's gone! "No! No no no no no this can't be happening!" She runs her hands over the discarded feathers on the empty cot and jumps up and runs outside. Running face first into Bakugo's chest, he grabs her by the top of the arms as she looks at him for any sign of his son "please" she begs as the tears start to flow again "please tell me he's still here" Bakugo looks down with wide eyes

"Hey hey no don't cry" and before he was able to finish a very bruised up but very alive haruto limps out of the bathroom and she locks eyes with him and her legs give out. She hits the dirt with a thud and covers her mouth crying even harder.

Haruto sees Hana standing there with his father in tears and he instantly panics, then the falls to the ground and he runs over, or more like hobbles, and hits his knees in the dirt with her. "No no no baby bird I'm ok please don't cry" he pulls her into a tight hug

"I woke up... and you were gone... and I thought I was too late.." she half sobs, half hiccups. As she clings to him like he was gonna just fall into ashes right there in her arms.

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