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A week since Hana was taken

Back at the camp with Haruto nothing was going right. His nerves where on edge. That day was a hard day for both Haru and Haruto. Haru cried over how his sister didn't come home and that they didn't know when she would come home. Haruto was there for the little boy making sure he had someone. Haruto had never been a brother to anyone so he clung to the crying boy all day trying to feel in the older brother roll. Of course Keigo and Katsuki had to give him tips on what he needed to do but they made sure to let Haruto learn most on his own.

The sun went down a while ago and many of the members of the camp sat around a bonfire. Haruto sat in a blue folding chair with Haru fastly falling asleep in his arms. Haru was curled up in the fetal position and his head rested on Haruto's chest. A plaid blanket laying over him due to the cool weather. Winter was on its way making everyone get slightly colder. The fire gave off enough heat to keep the young boy warm along with the heat from the blanket.

Keigo walked over to the two and placed his hand on the shoulder. "He misses her." Haruto whispered.

"I know he does," He says lightly squeezing his shoulder, "And so do you."

Haruto sighed as he felt tears prick his eyes again that day. "I do." He chocked out as a tear trailed down his face. He couldn't help himself but to play with the soft brown locks that curled around his fingers. "I can't do this without her dad. I found peace with her."

Keigo understood where he was coming from with finding peace with her. He found peace with Touya. "We'll get her back son." Keigo was trying to reassure him.

Haruto just nodded not knowing what to do or say. Keigo gave one more soft squeeze before walking away to his husband. Haruto looked down at the now sleeping boy in his arms. He saw Hana so much in Haru making more tears slowly trailing down his face. He slowly and easily moved out of the chair to make sure not to wake the sleeping child. He walked away from the fire heading to his tent. He wrapped them in his fiery red wings that gave off warm heat. His quirk was impressive for sure but came with perks. Due to his exploding wings they gave off good heat to make sure they were ready when ever Haruto was ready to use them. 

Once at the tent he easily slid off his shoes and entered. He sat the boy down on the cot and covered him up in the thick blanket. He used some of his feathers and made them hug the bottom of the cot to make sure the boy didn't freeze over night. Haruto himself laid down on the makeshift pallet that sat at the floor of the tent. 

He looked over to where Hana would normally lay and his heart broke with her not there. Usually at this point the two would be kissing heavily before making their way to the showers. Tonight none of that was happening. Tonight he laid with no one but himself. He reached over and grabbed the teal pillow and holding it to his chest. He slightly cried into it trying to stay quiet due to the child being asleep. 

Knowing he wouldn't be able to keep himself quiet long he stood from the tent and pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the side. His body temperature slowly rose, him assuming it was just due to winter coming. He stepped out of the tent leaving the feathers under the cot for Haru. Once outside the tent he put his shoes back on and walked up to the showers. He was looking up at the moon as he made his way not worried about anything except for Hana. He was worried about what she was going through and worried about what was happening to her. 

He felt a cold hand being placed on his chest making him snap from his daze with the moon. He looked down to see Zuma. She has a seductive look on her face as she looks up at him. "Hunny," She licks over his chest, "I can make everything better for you." She smiled.

Anger flowed over him. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her away from him, "Touch me again and your dead." She quickly left but what he didn't know was that his golden eyes started to have red bleed into them making the woman afraid.

After the incident he continued his way to the shower. He stopped in front of the mirror where he and Hana had so many memories. He took a look at himself and seen many things that were different. He had dark eyes from not sleeping, his muscle mass had gone down due to not eating, all his scares had turned a dark red from lack of nutrition, and his feathers were badly ruffled instead of the sleekness they usually are.

"How am I suppose to save her looking like this?" He questions himself growing angry at himself.  Before he knew it a burning rage for himself came over like waves, raising his body temperature even more. His body became hot as fire and he watched in the mirror as his body erupted into flames. Not normal red flames though a pure white. White as snow but hotter then a blue flame.

He ran out of the shower screaming scared. He felt hands grab him and looked to see it was Katsuki. "Haruto," He said grabbing the boy's attention, "You have to calm down or we can not save her." 

Haruto quickly calms down at the thought of not being able to save Hana. Once calm The flames went away. One thing crossed his mind though, "Haru." He quickly rose off the ground and flew towards the tent. Once he reached it he tore the door open to see the child laid there still peacefully asleep. A relief washed over him. He calmly walked in and picked up the boy and laid the two on the cot, Haru laying on his chest. He looked down at the boy and whispered, "We will get her back." 

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