Chapter Forty-One

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Kalo Morgase

King of House Morgase

I was on my way in my best warships to help Alessandra, I couldn't wait to see her in battle, to watch her decimate every enemy in her path, to see her splattered in the blood of her enemies. "My King, we've just received news that Queen Alessandra has attacked the Trennix castle." I frown, feeling annoyed that she wouldn't wait for me, though she never was one for patience.

I hear the familiar ring of a videocast being sent to me, I look down at my sheeve and see it was Alessandra, I get out of my seat and retreat to my office, not knowing what she might want to discuss, I accept the cast and frown as I see her splattered in blood. "Queen Alessandra are you alright? I heard you attacked Cedric's castle!" She waves off my worry, like the blood covering her wasn't anything to worry about, and it wouldn't be if I hadn't already noticed the hole in her armour, knowing that meant at least some of that blood must have been hers, I wasn't sure what I would have done if I had been there when she had been wounded, probably torn everyone in the room to pieces, Morgasian's were not known for restraining their emotions, on the contrary we actually encouraged feeling every emotion as long as we could, being something we got energy off of, it just made sense to give others who could feed off those emotions an easier chance to access it, we sadly couldn't feed off our own emotions so we relied on others for sustenance much like the Drakkon.

"I'm fine, more than fine. Cedric is dead, I killed him, tore his disgusting heart out, not before he managed to stab me in the back though, and I do mean that literally. Everything is great, we're signing a treaty between Trennix and Drakkon, the new king has been adequately warned not to make the same mistakes as his predecessor, everything is handled, so you might as well turn your ships back. There is no need for support anymore." I frown at her even more, extremely upset to have missed the action, I would have enjoyed watching Cedric die, it would have been even better to watch Alessandra kill him, my head flashes back to the memory of her ripping that woman's heart out in front of me and then wiping the blood off on me, that had been a good day, this one would have been even better if she had allowed me to be there, but oh well, I am sure there will always be someone else who mistakenly tries to go against my darling Alessandra.

"I'm only an hour and a half away, I might as well give my greetings to the new King of Trennix if I'm already this close, smooth over any ruffled feathers for crossing the border without permission." She raises an eyebrow at me, likely seeing through my words easily, I look away from her but reluctantly admit my true purpose for continuing my trip to Trenna. "And make sure you are fully healed in person as well." She smirks and nods at me, obviously having seen through me, though I hadn't been hiding it very well, hadn't even been intending to, I liked that she knew I was concerned for her wellbeing, that I wanted to go see her, that I was willing to go to war for her, that meant a lot to a woman, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her, I pause as I realize that I actually may care for her more deeply than I thought I would, maybe even enough to complete the mating bond with her if it ever came to that.

That was a serious commitment among my people, it was not like marriage, you couldn't try again if it didn't work out, it was a lifelong commitment, there were no do overs. Meaning that you had to be sure that that was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and as I look at Alessandra, I realize that after all this time living alone, I might have actually found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Yes, I am sure you just must meet the new king of Trennix, and seeing me has such a minor part in this excursion. Your subterfuge doesn't fool me at all, King Kalo." I hear her words, but I don't even really register them as I think over how much she actually means to me. "You want to pretend not to hear me, fine, we're done with this conversation." Her words pierce through my thoughts, and I turn panicked as I realize she was about to end the videocast.

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