Chapter Twenty-One

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Talon Drako

Commander of the Queen's Guard

"You know I can't Talon, as much as I want to. I have to see what he will do, who he will side with, it is the only way to get any closure. The moons have reached their highest points in the sky, a new day has begun on Draka, my father's claim on my throne is no more. Send the order to release him, have someone notify him that he has access to one bank account with one hundred thousand drakmas in it, and that a shuttle will take him to wherever he wants to go, and that after that he is on his own. We shall see if he decides to go against me or help me in the coming war, unfortunately only time will tell whether the man I met will attack me, or the man my mother remembers will return to help me." I watch as my Queen gazes up at the twin moons, I look up at them just in time to see them darken to almost slivers, barely able to be seen, a new day had begun on Draka.

I shiver as a cold breeze rushes over me, which was strange because Draka was mostly warm, I must have imagined it, I glance away from the moons to my Queen just in time to watch her fall to the ground before me and begin screaming. "Your majesty! What is wrong! Why are you screaming!" I rush towards her, rolling her onto her back and she screams and writhes on the ground, I move her clothing around, searching for blood, or something that would indicate a reason for her pain. But I find nothing, she seemed perfectly fine, but she most obviously was not. "My Queen! Please! Tell us what is wrong! How can we help!" But she didn't answer me she only continued to scream. "Tanza check the Nyri! Was it poisoned!" Yanu is beside me on the ground, desperately trying to keep our Queen from hurting herself as her body convulses on the stone ground.

Lights around the palace flare up and I can hear shouts from the guards, everyone no doubt wondering where the screaming is coming from. "The Nyri is fine, I tested it before I gave it to her!" I glare at her, she had to be wrong!

"You must be mistaken! Test it again! That was the only thing she drank before this happened!" I was desperate to find out what had caused this, if it was a poison then we could find an antidote.

"The Nyri is clean! I tasted it and nothing is happening to me! I'm telling you it has to be something else!" I flipped the table and the Nyri glass went crashing to the floor, breaking into tiny shards of glass as the Nyri flowed around it like spilled blood.

"THERE IS NOTHING ELSE! SHE DOESN'T HAVE A MARK ON HER!" I was desperate, it had to be the Nyri because she was not wounded any where else, there was nothing that happened before she suddenly collapsed and started screaming. As if she could hear my words, her screaming reaches a new pitch, showing that whatever was causing her pain was getting worse.

"What is going on!" Titus runs out onto the balcony, followed by a dozen guards, he stares in horror at Alessandra's writhing screaming form. "What is wrong with her! Quickly summon the physician! Hurry!" The guards idled around, looking for a threat, all of them uncertain about what to do. "What are you waiting for!" Immediately one of them begins running for the door, Tendi had already no doubt sent a message already, but we couldn't wait, we needed help immediately.

Her majesty's screams reach an even higher pitch before there is a large crack and then she goes still, I go to pick her up, but Yanu stops me. "No! Don't touch her! I think her spine just broke! You can't move her!" I stare at Yanu in horror, unable to believe that my Queen who was always so strong, who had battled an entire nest of Ikari and survived was going to die, here and now, from some unknown threat.

The physician finally arrives, and guards make way for him, he stares in horror at her majesty's limp form on the ground, but takes a deep breath and approaches. "Was she injured? Has her food been tested for poison?" His words are strong even as his hands shakes as he reaches forward to take her majesty's pulse.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now